
几个早熟玉米自交系主要农艺性状的配合力分析 被引量:4

Combining Ability Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits of Several Early Maturity Maize Inbred Lines
摘要 玉米种质是玉米育种的物质基础,育种工作对种质的利用最终归结为对性状配合力的选择。为了明确近年选育的早熟玉米自交系主要性状的配合力,为长治地区优势组合选配提供一定的理论依据,选用近年来育成的早熟玉米自交系YZ130,YZ141B,C238和长治地区早熟骨干自交系PH6WC,昌7-2,414,M9,长455,使用不完全双列杂交设计对8个自交系的10个农艺性状的一般配合力和15个组合的特殊配合力进行分析。结果表明,近年来,新选育的YZ130,YZ141B和C238中,一般配合力方面各个农艺性状都表现比较突出的是YZ141B,利用自交系YZ141B容易培育出高产抗倒的优良组合,在以后的测配中可重点应用;C238可直接利用,但在组配时需要注意测验种秃尖的一般配合力效应值;YZ130需要改良穗长和百粒质量。生产上常用的早熟骨干自交系PH6WC,昌7-2,414,M9,长455中,414的单株产量一般配合力较高,但需要改良秃尖;M9的秃尖一般配合力表现为最大正向效应,行粒数表现为最大负向效应,所以,需要进一步改良秃尖和行粒数;长455需要改良百粒质量;PH6WC、昌7-2也不是每个性状的一般配合力效应值都高,在某性状上表现出较高的配合力,秃尖的一般配合力效应值表现为负向效应,可用来改良秃尖,而百粒质量的一般配合力表现为较高的正效应,可增加组合的籽粒质量。供试的15个组合中,YZ130/PH6WC,C238/长455,YZ130/昌7-2,YZ141B/昌7-2,YZ141B/414和C238/414这6个组合的产量特殊配合力较高,需要进一步做鉴定试验。 Maize germplasm is the material basis of maize breeding, and the utilization of germplasm resources of the breeding work is the selection of the agronomic traits combining ability. To clear agronomic traits combining ability in breeding early maturing maize inbred lines in recent years and provide theoretical basis for the selection of superiority combination in the early maturing maize inbred line in Changzhi area, the general combining ability of 10 agronomic traits of 8 inbred lines and the special combining ability of 15 combinations were analyzed by using incomplete dual line cross design in the early maturing maize inbred line YZ130, YZ141 B, C238 recently and the early backbone inbred lines PH6 WC, Chang 7-2, 414, M9, Chang 455 in Changzhi area. The results showed that the expression of general agronomic trait combining ability was more prominent about YZ141 B, the fine combination of high yield and lodging resistance was elatively easy to produce, could be applied in the future;C238 could be used directly, but the test of general combining ability effect of the seed bald tip was needed in C238 group distribution;the ear length and 100 kernel weight of YZ130 were improved necessarily. The general combining ability of the yield per plant of 414 was higher, but it needed to improve the bald tip. The general combining ability of the M9 was the maximum positive effect, and the kernels per row was the maximum negative effect, so the bald tip and the kernels per row of M9 needed to be further improved. 100 kernel weight of Chang 455 was improved necessarily as well. The general combining ability effect value of each raits of PH6 WC and Chang 7-2 were not high. Some trait exhibited higher combining ability, and the general combining ability effect value showed negative effect, which could be used to improve the bald tip, and the general combining ability of 100 kernel weight performance higher positive effect, could increase grain weight of the combination. The special combining ability of yield was higher as YZ130/ PH6 WC, C238/Chang 455, YZ130/Chang 7-2, YZ141B/Chang 7-2, YZ141B/414 and C238/414 of 15 combinations, and it needed further test and evaluation.
出处 《山西农业科学》 2016年第2期148-151,163,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 山西省农业科学院育种工程项目(11yzgc079)
关键词 玉米 自交系 农艺性状 配合力 maize inbred lines agronomic traits combining ability
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