
两端吸附式焊缝修形爬壁机器人研制 被引量:13

Wall Climbing Robot Based on Two-end Adsorption for Weld Seam Amending
摘要 针对大型钢结构件曲面补焊焊缝自动化修形需求,研制了一种特殊结构的爬壁机器人.该机器人的末端修形单元和移动平台均以永磁间隙吸附方式吸附于工件表面,通过含主被动关节的多自由度机械臂相连接.采用数学模型分析了新机构相对于传统单端吸附、串联悬臂式爬壁机器人的优点,计算了末端修形单元的吸附力条件.对试制的机器人样机进行的性能参数测试证明:两端吸附方式不仅大幅度降低对机械臂的刚度要求,同时,机械臂的被动关节使得爬壁机器人具有曲面自适应能力. In order to carry out automatic weld seam amending on large-scale steel-made components, a special wall climbing robot scheme is proposed and developed. Both ends, i.e., repairing end effector and mobile platform of the robot,are adsorbed to the surface of workpiece with permanent magnets in a noncontact manner. These two adsorbed ends are linked by a multi-degree-of-freedom manipulator which consists of several active and passive joints. The requirements of adsorption force for the repairing end effector is described mathematically, and advantages of the new mechanism are analyzed and compared with the wall climbing robot composed of single-end adsorption and serial cantilever manipulator.Finally, a prototype robot is produced, and performance parameters of the robot are testified. It is proven that the manner of two-end adsorption can greatly decrease the demands for the manipulator’s stiffness, furthermore, the passive joints of the manipulator bring adaptabilities to climbing robot on curved surfaces.
出处 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期122-128,共7页 Robot
基金 国家自然科学基金(51475259) 国家863计划(2007AA04Z258)
关键词 爬壁机器人 焊缝修形 两端吸附 刚度 被动关节 wall climbing robot weld seam amending two-end adsorption stiffness passive joint
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