
国外过程取向教学的研究评析 被引量:3

Process-oriented Teaching:Review and Prospect
摘要 过程取向教学是与传统教学相对应的一个概念,该领域已经引起了研究者的广泛兴趣。目前国外关于过程取向教学的研究主要集中于对其定义、构成要素、实施原则和评估方法等方面的研究。既往研究发现,过程取向教学有三种取向的定义、七种要素构成,并且过程取向教学应该遵循由教师监管逐步转移到学生对自己整个学习过程的监管,聚焦于知识建构领域,关注学生学习的情感和动机以及把学习过程和结果作为一种社会现象等四个实施原则。过程取向教学有两种测量方式,即课堂观察和问卷调查。今后过程取向教学应该着重从定义深化、要素挖掘、实施原则精确和测量科学化等方面进行深入研究。 The process-oriented teaching as antithetical to traditional teaching,which has attracted wide in- terest of researchers. Currently the studies of process-oriented teaching focuses on its definition, elements, imple- mentation of the principles and methods of evaluation and so on. Previous scholars have found that there are three kinds definitions, seven elements, four principles and two methods of assessment of process-oriented teaching. In future, the process-oriented teaching should focus on deepening the definition, mining elements, accurate the im- plementation of principles and improving the assessment methods.
作者 雷浩
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期79-86,共8页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"义务教育阶段学校课程实施过程质量评估的理论和技术研究"(项目编号:11JJD880003)的研究成果
关键词 过程取向教学 要素构成 实施原则 评估方法 Process-oriented Teaching Definition Principle Assessment method
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