
从英汉词汇对比分析角度看翻译中的文化因素——以林译《黑奴吁天录》为例 被引量:1

The Cultural Elements in Translation from the Angle of Contrastive Lexical Analysis——Taking Lin Shu's Translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin as An Example
摘要 林纾,作为中国晚清著名的作家和翻译家,是中国译介西方文学作品的第一人,在当时社会受到人们的普遍欢迎。虽然林纾不懂外语,他和魏易及其他翻译者合作,通过倾听口述者的口译,林纾翻译的作品多达180部。他与众不同的翻译风格为他在中国文学史上赢得了独特的地位,他的作品也大受赞赏。林译《黑奴吁天录》,即斯托夫人所作的《黑奴吁天录》,是其最为著名的一部作品。众所周知,英汉是两种截然不同的语言,各自包含不同的文化因素。而词汇是语言中最基本的单位,内含着大量的文化信息。本文从英汉词汇对比角度来探讨翻译中的文化因素对林译《黑奴吁天录》的影响,以便研究在英汉翻译中,如何做到既有利于中西方文化思想交流,又巩固和弘扬本民族优秀文化。 Lin Shu,as a famous writer and translator in late Qing Dynasty in China,was the first person who introduced western literature into China and received a wide popularity among populace in the then society. Although Lin Shu didn't know about any foreign language,he cooperated with Wei Yi and some other translators by listening and paraphrasing after their oral translation,producing a surprising amount of works up to 180. His distinctive style of translation has won him a remarkable position in the Chinese literature history. His works has received much popularity,appreciation and praise. Lin's translated work Hei Nu Yu Tian Lu,the Chinese version of Uncle Tom 's Cabin written by Stowe,is one of his most well- known works. As is known to all,English and Chinese are two languages which are distinctively different from each other and each of them contains different cultural factors. The translation of the vocabulary is the most basic unit of a language and it carries a lot of information hidden behind the culture. This paper discusses the influence of the cultural factors on Lin Shu's translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin from the angle of contrastive lexical analysis. Therefore it is convenient to study a problem——how to benefit the cultural communication between China and West,consolidate and carry forward our nation's excellent culture in the English- Chinese translation.
作者 朱天虹
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2016年第2期168-170,共3页
关键词 林纾 《黑奴吁天录》 文化因素 英汉词汇对比分析 Lin Shu Uncle Tom's Cabin cultural elements contrastive lexical analysis
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