
早期活动预防ICU谵妄及其临床应用进展 被引量:14

Early mobilization prevents ICU delirium and the clinical application progress of early mobilization
摘要 谵妄是一种急性发作的大脑功能障碍综合征,以精神状态的变化和波动、注意力不集中、思维紊乱和意识改变为主要特点,谵妄与躁动最大的区别为谵妄存在认知的障碍.危重病患者谵妄发病率高,是一个公认的主要公共卫生问题,据文献报道,谵妄发生于80%的机械通气危重病成人患者和20%~ 50%的非机械通气危重病成人患者.美国重症医学会IPAD指南对谵妄的预防方案建议,目前预防谵妄的唯一推荐方法为早期活动. Delirium is an acute cerebral disorder syndrome with mean features of fluctuating course,attentional deficits,disorganization of thinking and consciousness change.The biggest difference between delirium and restless is cognitive function.Hypoactive delirium and mixed delirium are usually ignored for their inconspicuous clinic feature,while intensive care unit (ICU) delirium is paid more and more attention by clinicians.Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) IPAD guidance suggests that only recommended prevention of delirium is early mobilization,which the article will further discuss.
作者 杨洁 周发春
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2016年第1期151-153,共3页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 谵妄/预防和控制 运动活动 重症监护病房 综述 Delirium/PC Motor activity Intensive care units Review
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