
2013-2014年湖北省钟祥市居民死因监测分析 被引量:12

Death cause surveillance in population in Zhongxiang,Hubei,2013-2014
摘要 目的分析世界长寿之乡钟祥市居民死因构成和分布特征,为制定疾病防控重点提供依据。方法采用ICD-10进行根本死因编码和分类,利用Excel 2007、R 3.1.3、SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析,计算死亡率、死因构成比和主要疾病影响期望寿命数。结果 2013-2014年钟祥市居民死亡率为541.87/10万,男性和女性死亡率分别为596.19/10万和486.80/10万。慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)和伤害的死因构成比分别为84.33%和12.31%。心脏病、脑血管病、恶性肿瘤、伤害和呼吸系统疾病为居民前5位死因。除心脏病、内分泌营养代谢疾病、神经系统疾病外,男性其他疾病死亡率均明显高于女性。去除心脏病、脑血管病、恶性肿瘤、伤害后,居民期望寿命分别增加4.93、3.72、1.92和1.68岁。结论慢性病和伤害应作为钟祥市重点应对的疾病。在未来的疾病防控工作中,应将对人群死亡和期望寿命影响显著的心脏病、脑血管病、恶性肿瘤和伤害作为防控重点。 Objective To understand the death cause constituent and distribution in population in a longevity village in Zhongxiang county,Hubei province and provide evidence for local disease prevention and control. Methods The underlying death causes were coded and classified according to International Classification of Diseases 10thedition( ICD- 10). Statistical analysis was conducted with software Excel 2007,R 3. 1. 3 and SPSS 18. 0. Results The overall mortality was 541. 87 / lakh in population in Zhongxiang during 2013- 2014. The mortality was 596. 19 / lakh and 486. 80 / lakh in males and females respectively. The deaths caused by non communicable chronic disease( NCD) and injury accounted for 84. 33% and 12. 31%of all deaths respectively. Cardiac diseas,cerebrovascular diseases,malignant tumor,injury and respiratory disease were the first 5 leading causes of death. Except the mortality rates of cardiac disease,endocrinological,nutritional and metabolic diseases,as well as neurological diseases,the mortality rates of other diseases were higher in males than in females.Removing cardiac disease,cerebrovascular disease,malignant tumor and injury,the life expectancies in population in Zhongxiang could increase by 4. 93,3. 72,1. 92 and 1. 68 years respectively. Conclusion Close attention should be paid to NCD prevention and control,especially cardiac disease,cerebrovascular disease,malignant tumor and injury.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2016年第1期68-72,共5页 Disease Surveillance
基金 湖北省自然科学基金(No.2015CFB589)~~
关键词 死亡率 死因 顺位 慢性病 Mortality Cause of death Rank Non communicable chronic disease
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