
枣麦间作系统中冬小麦的冠层光分布特征及产量研究 被引量:13

Canopy light distribution and yield of winter wheat in jujube-wheat strip intercropping system
摘要 针对近年来"林农生产争地争光"的问题,以株行距为3 m×4 m南北行向栽植的枣树||冬小麦间作系统为研究对象,大田条件下设置枣麦间作(JZ)和冬小麦单作对照(CK)两个处理,以2013—2014年生长季冬小麦光合生理参数和冠层光照强度为基础,以两棵枣树的定植点连成1条测定样线,在样线上以距枣树的东(E)、西(W)距离为基准,每50 cm设置1个测定点,设E50 cm、E100 cm、E150 cm、E200 cm(W200 cm)、W150 cm、W100 cm、W50 cm共7个测定位置,在不同调查时期测定各测定位置的冬小麦冠层光合有效辐射(PAR),并在冬小麦成熟期调查各测定位置上的产量。采用多项式回归和定区间积分等方法计算冬小麦分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期、扬花期、灌浆期和成熟期冠层达到饱和PAR的时长与时空窗,探讨枣麦间作系统中枣树遮光对间作作物冬小麦冠层光照分布及产量的影响。结果显示,间作系统中冬小麦冠层光照强度及产量整体呈现出不同的时空分布特征,且相较于单作小麦系统均有一定程度的衰减。单作冬小麦冠层的饱和PAR时空窗比间作处理大56.1%,穗粒数、有效穗数、千粒重和产量分别比间作小麦高14.7%、15.9%、33.5%和53.0%。相对于单作对照,间作物冬小麦整个生育时期内在距枣树E50~E100 cm、E100~E150 cm、E150~E200 cm、W150~W200 cm、W100~W150 cm、W50~W100 cm处的冠层PAR时空窗损失严重,分别达92.5%、45.7%、7.0%、5.4%、10.9%、54.0%。冠层PAR时空窗损失导致冬小麦减产,在以上各处减产程度分别达46.2%、39.6%、26.3%、24.7%、32.4%和37.6%。故枣树遮阴程度的差异导致间作物冬小麦不同程度减产,且间作巷道内西侧光照质量整体优于东侧。这就要求在冬小麦扬花期后对枣树进行适当修剪,且适当增加巷道东侧枣树株距,以避免枣树新生枝徒长,提高冬小麦冠层光合有效辐射截获量,使间作系统获得更高产量。 Aiming at competition for land and light between forestry and agriculture, a jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) strip intercropping system in north-south direction with 3 m × 4 m plant and row spacing was used to study light distribution of winter wheat canopy. In the field, two treatments of jujube and winter wheat intercropping(JZ) and monocrop of winter wheat(CK) were investigated during the 2013–2014 growing season. In winter wheat trip,measurement points were set at every 50 cm distance between two jujube trees(reference spacing). Thus seven measurement points were subsequently set as E50 cm, E100 cm and E150 cm, E200 cm(W200 cm) and W150 cm, W100 cm and W50 cm(E and W meant the eastern and western parts of winter wheat trip). In the monocultured winter wheat system, the same measurement pointes were set also. During different growth stages of winter wheat(tillering, jointing, heading, flowering,filling and mature stages), the photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) of winter wheat canopy in different positions wasmeasured. At maturity, the yield of winter wheat was also investigated. The spatial windows of canopy saturated PAR of winter wheat at different growth stages were analyzed using polynomial regression and fixed interval integral so as to determine light distribution of winter wheat canopy in jujube-wheat strip intercropping system. The results showed that under strip intercropping system, canopy light intensity and yield of winter wheat had different spatial and temporal distribution characteristics. There was a certain degree of attenuation compared to winter wheat monocrop system. The space-time windows of canopy saturated PAR, grain number per spike, effective panicle number, 1000-grain weight, yield under monocrop of winter wheat(the control) were respectively 56.1%, 14.7%, 15.9%, 33.5% and 53.0% higher than those under intercropping system. Compared with monocultured winter wheat(control) the space-time windows of canopy saturated PAR of intercropped winter wheat system at E50 ? E100 cm, E100 ? E150 cm and E150 ? E200 cm, and W150 ? W200 cm,W100 ? W150 cm and W50 ? W100 cm suffered serious losses of 92.5%, 45.7% and 7.0%, and 5.4%, 10.9% and 54.0%,respectively. The losses of space-time windows of canopy saturated PAR resulted in a decrease in winter wheat yield,respectively, by 46.2%, 39.6% and 26.3%, 24.7%, 32.4% and 37.6%. The results of the study suggested that the differences in the degree of shading of jujube plants were the causes of the differences in yield reductions of winter wheat. The lighting quality in the west side of winter wheat strip in intercropping system was better than that in the east side during the whole growth period. As a result, jujube could be properly trimmed after winter wheat flowering and the east spacing appropriately increased, not only to control the over growth of new jujube branches, but also to improve winter wheat canopy PAR interception. This could ensure high yield of winter wheat under intercropping system of jujube and winter wheat.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期183-191,共9页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目[xjlk(2013)009号]资助~~
关键词 枣麦间作 冬小麦 冠层 光合有效辐射 时空窗 产量 Jujube-wheat intercrop Winter wheat Canopy Photosynthetically active radiation Space-time window Yield
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