
认知重评干预对大学生状态感恩的影响 被引量:2

Impact of Cognitive Reappraisal Intervention on State Gratitude in College Students
摘要 目的:考察认知重评干预对提升大学生状态感恩的效果,并初步探索感恩情绪的生理指标。方法:以自编情境故事为实验材料,借助多参数生物反馈仪设备,采用想象体验实验范式进行了三个认知重评实验:42名大学生动机重评、40名大学生代价重评、45名大学生价值重评。结果:1在动机、代价、价值重评干预后,被试情绪发生了显著性变化,即负性情绪降低(M_(前测)=3.13、2.44、3.07,M_(后测)=1.77、1.78、0.79),感恩情绪上升(M_(前测)=1.38、1.24、1.20,M_(后测)=3.75、3.60、4.40)。2在动机、代价、价值重评干预前后,被试血容量搏动振幅、血容量搏动频率、皮电等指标的差异达到显著水平(P<0.01)。结论:动机重评、代价重评、价值重评等干预可以提升个体的状态感恩,感恩情绪与血容量搏动频率、血容量搏动幅度、皮电等多项自主反应指标有关。 Objective: To examine the effect of cognitive reappraisal intervention on the promotion of gratitude in col- lege students and relevant physiological indexes of gratitude. Methods: By using the multi-parameter biofeedback instru- ments, 3 experiments including the reappraisal motive experiment for 42 college students, the reappraisal cost experiment for 40 college students and the reappraisal value experiment for 45 college students were made by imagined-experience pro- cedure with stimulate material of scene stories. Results: After intervention of reappraisal motive, reappraisal cost and reap- praisal value, (1)negative mood was significantly reduced, alongside with increase of gratitude emotion(P〈0.01). (2)_ BVP rate, BVP amplitude, SC and other autonomic response indexes changed significantly(P〈0.01). Conclusion: State gratitude can be promoted by intervention of reappraisal motive, reappraisal cost and reappraisal value. In addition, state gratitude emotion may be related to the BVP rate, BVP amplitude, SC and other autonomic response indexes.
作者 张萍 张敏
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期164-168,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 2013年上海高校青年教师培养资助计划(ZZyyy13025) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJA880102)
关键词 动机重评 代价重评 价值重评 状态感恩 干预 Reappraisal motive Reappraisal cost Reappraisal value State gratitude Intervention
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