[目的]探讨部队官兵进行幽门螺杆菌(Hp)检测的最佳方法。[方法]用血清学IgG-CIM检测(胶体金法)、13 C尿素呼气试验(13 C-urea breath test13 C-UBT)和粪便幽门螺杆菌抗原检测(HPSA,免疫层析法)3种方法对500例入伍新兵进行Hp检测,比较3种方法的检测效率。[结果]受检者血清学IgG-CIM检测阳性率为33%(165/500),13 C尿素呼气试验阳性率为47%(235/500),粪便HPSA阳性率为24.8%(124/500)。13 C尿素呼气试验检测阳性率高于血清学IgG-CIM检测,且均高于粪便HPSA检测(P<0.05);血清学IgG-CIM检测对173例确定Hp感染者检出率为89.02%(154/173),13 C尿素呼气试验检出率为98.27%(170/173),粪便HPSA检出率为57.23%(99/173)。13 C尿素呼气试验检出率高于血清学Hp IgG-CIM检出率,且均高于粪便HPSA检出率(P<0.05);血清学Hp IgG-CIM检测每检出一例确定Hp感染者需花费292.21元,13 C尿素呼气试验需花费735.29元;粪便HPSA抗原检测需花费808.08元。血清学Hp IgG-CIM检测花费最低。[结论]血清学IgG-CIM检测是部队官兵群体筛查Hp的最佳方法。
[Objective]To probe into the best method among three Hp detection methods.[Methods]Three detection methods including Hp IgG-CIM detection kit(Colloidal gold method),13 C-urea breath test(13 C-UBT)and HPSA antigen detection kit(Immune chromatography method)were applied for 500 subjects in Hp detection.The methods were compared in statistical analysis.[Results]Hp IgG-CIM detection positive rate of the subjects was 33%(165/500).13 C breathe positive rate was 47%(235/500).H P antigen positive rate was 24.8%,(124/500).Within these three detection methods for Hp,13 C breathe positive rate was higher than blood serum Hp IgG-CIM detection kit detection and HPSA antigen detection(P〈0.05).Blood Hp IgG-CIM detection in 173 cases diagnosed as Hp infection showed the rate of Hp infection was89.02%(154/173),HPSA antigan positive rate 57.23%(99/173),and the positive rate of 13C-urea breath test was 98.27%(170/173).The cost of each Hp infected person for Hp IgG-CIM was RMB 292.21,for13 C breathe test RMB 735.29,while for HPSA RMB 808.08.That means expenditure for Hp IgG-CIM was the lowest.[Conclusion]The Hp IgG-CIM method is the best Hp screening method in army officers and soilders.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine on Digestion
Helicobacter Pylori(Hp)
detection methods