

Real-time RT-PCR technique for use in the detection Of 20 influenza virus testing blind samples
摘要 目的将实时荧光RT-PCR法应用于流感病毒盲样考核中,以便及时找出问题。方法设计高度特异性的引物,采用实时荧光RT-PCR法对2011年和2012年国家下发的共20份流感考核盲样进行检测。结果经实时荧光RT-PCR法检测,2011年10份盲样中B型2份,新甲型H1N1 2份,季节性H1亚型1份,季节性H3亚型2份,禽流感H5亚型1份,阴性2份。2012年10份考核盲样10份盲样中B型流感1份,新甲型H1N1 1份,季节性H1亚型1份,季节性H3亚型2份,禽流感H5亚型2份,阴性3份。根据国家流感中心的反馈,各年度正确率100%。结论将实时荧光RT-PCR法应用于流感盲样考核中,保证了检测结果的准确性。 Objective Real-time RT-PCR was applied to the influenza virus testing blind samples, so as to identify the problems timely. Methords Primers were designed in highly conserved, 20 influenza virus testing blind samples was detected by Real-time RT-PCR in 2011 and 2012. Results 10 influenza virus testing blind samples of 2011 were detected, in which of 2011 there were 2 cases of B type flu, 2 cases of new H1N1, 1 cases of seasonal H1, 2 cases of seasonal H3, 1 cases of avian influenza H5, 2 cases of flu negative, in which of 2012 there were 1 cases of B type flu, 1 cases of new H1N1, 1 cases of seasonal H1, 2 cases of seasonal H3, 2 cases of avian influenza H5,3 cases of flu negative. According to feedback from the results of the Chinese National Influenza Center(CNIC), the correct rate of 2011 and 2012 were 100%. Conclusion By applying Real-time RT-PCR to the influenza virus testing blind samples, the accuracy of the test results were Ensured.
作者 冀林立
出处 《疾病监测与控制》 2016年第2期109-110,共2页 Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
关键词 实时荧光RT-PCR 病毒 考核盲样 Real-time RT-PCR Influenza virus Testing blind samples
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