针对H.264传统帧间模式选择算法的高复杂度,提出了一种适合各种视频分辨率格式的快速帧间模式选择算法。该算法基于局部残差复杂度(local residual complexity,LRC),通过给局部残差复杂度设定阈值来决定宏块的活跃度,再根据宏块的活跃度选出候选的帧间模式,由此进行率失真优化(Rate-distortion Optimization,RDO)计算,从而减少了不必要帧间模式的RDO计算,取得了较高的编码效率。实验结果表明,与JM18.4默认的帧间模式选择算法相比,该算法在峰值信噪比和码率基本不变的前提下,可以平均减少大约60%的运动估计时间。
Considering the high complexity of traditional H. 264 inter mode selection algorithm,this paper proposes a fast inter mode selection algorithm for different video resolution. This algorithm determines the macroblock activity by setting the threshold of local residual complexity based on local residual complexity( LRC),then selects the candidate inter modes according to the macroblock activity to conduct rate distortion optimization( RDO) calculation,which reduces unnecessary RDO calculation in inter mode and enhances a higher coding efficiency. The experimental results show that this algorithm reduces its inter-frame coding time by about 60% on average with the invariable peak signal to noise ratio and bit comparing to JM18. 4 default inter mode selection algorithm.
Information Technology