柿(Diospyros kaki Thunb.)优良品种一般仅开雌花且单性结实能力强,早期剔除雄性后代是提高育种效率的重要措施。在柿的近缘种君迁子(D.lotus L.)中已经筛选出一个与雄性性状紧密连锁的DlSx-AF4S标记,但其在包括栽培柿及其杂交后代性别鉴定中的有效性尚不完全明确。利用该标记对268份相关试材进行性别鉴定,并与其花性观察结果相比较。结果表明:(1)116份柿(D.kaki)种质中除‘罗田甜柿’、‘兴义水柿’、‘甘百目’、‘商城冬柿’外,其余112份试材的DlSx-AF4S标记鉴定结果与其田间性别表现一致,鉴别率96.6%;(2)11个柿(D.kaki)杂交组合共118份F1代中有51份进入成花状态,DlSx-AF4S标记检测与已知花性的46份试材一致,鉴别率90.2%;(3)DlSx-AF4S标记在‘华柿1号’ב罗田甜柿’F_1代中呈现近1︰1分离;(4)DlSx-AF4S标记在柿和君迁子之外的其他供试柿属植物中也表现出良好的通用性。以上结果表明,DlSx-AF4S标记可用于柿及其杂交后代雄性性别的早期鉴定。
Most of commercial persimmon(Diospyros kaki Thunb.)cultivars bear only female flowers and are strongly parthenocarpic. It is necessary to develop a rapid technique for identifying and elimination of male progenies which has been regarded as an important strategy for enhancing breeding efficiency. Recently,a SCAR(Sequence Characterized Amplified Region)marker DlSx-AF4 S,tightly related to male progeny has been developed from Date plum(D. lotus L.). However,it remained undetermined whether this marker can be employed to identify Diospyros L. and its hybrids. In this study,phenotype observation and DlSx-AF4 S genotyping were carried out using 268 accessions,including D. kaki,F_1 progenies andsome related species. All of the D. kaki genotypes,with the exception of‘Luotian Tianshi',‘Xingyi Shuishi',‘Amahyakume'and‘Shangcheng Dongshi',displayed consistent results between DlSx-AF4 S amplification and sex phenotype. A total of 118 F_1 progenies were produced from 11 crosses,among which 51 individuals had flowered. In the flowering plants,DlSx-AF4 S profiles of 46(90.2%)plants were identical to the field observation of flower gender. The segregation of DlSx-AF4 S in‘Huashi 1'× ‘Luotian Tianshi'F_1 population fitted to 1︰1. High transferability of Dl Sx-AF4 S was observed in other species related to D. kaki and D. lotus. Taken together,these results indicated that the DlSx-AF4 S marker could be used to distinguish male plants from female ones of persimmon at an early stage.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica