
协作治理是适合中国现实需求的治理模式 被引量:82

Collaborative Governance is the Suitable Governance Model for Current China
摘要 协作治理是不同于以科层体系为基础的传统政府管理的治理理念。协作是较合作更高形态的组织间关系,它强调多元主体基于共同目标的参与、且成为真正意义的决策者,协作主体要共同行动且地位平等,但不排斥实际的领导者存在。在西方语境中,协作治理是多元主体参与下的国内公共事务管理模式,而合作治理则是国际社会的治理模式。在中国的语境下,合作治理更强调参与主体的平等地位,而协作治理则强调多元主体按照一定的规则发挥各自的特定作用。协作的理念切合当前中国社会治理从政府单一主体走向多元治理、政府实际发挥主导作用的现实,比合作治理更有适用性,是中国遵循治理导向从而实现良好治理的现实选择。在中国的地方治理中,杭州的"社会复合主体"是一个协作治理比较成功的案例。它形成了从问题触发、动员力量到协商对话、建立信任、过程承诺,再到取得中间成果并形成长期愿景基础上的依赖和共赢关系的过程,建立起了共识形成、行动整合、沟通交流和利益协调等协作机制,从而较好解决了松散型的集体行动问题。 Collaborative governance is different from the traditional government management based on bureaucratic system. Collaboration is a higher form of inter-organizational relationship than cooperation. In western context,collaborative governance is a management model of domestic affairs,and cooperate governance is for international affairs. In Chinese context,cooperate governance emphasizes the equal status of participats,while collaborative governance means that multi-subjects play their specific roles according to certain rules. The idea of collaboration is more suitable for the reality of social governance in China,which is moving from the government dominated one single subject governance to the state and society collaborated multi-subjects governance,but at the same time the government still plays a leading role. For China collaborative governance is her realistic choice to achieve good governance. In this paper,the social composite subjects governance in Hangzhou as a successful case of collaborative governance is discussed. In Hangzhou experience,the collaborative governance is a complete process which includes problem triggering,forces mobilizing,consultations,trust building,process promising,interim results achieving,and win-win relationship strongtheming for long term vision. In this process some collaborative mechanism are also established,such as consensus-building,action integration,interactive communication,interest coordination,and so on. Hangzhou experience provides a helpful reference for solving the dilemma of collective actions.
作者 郭道久
出处 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期61-70,126-127,共10页 CASS Journal of Political Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"我国社会组织发展的政治分析"(09CZZ014)的研究成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"社会组织参与社会管理的机制研究"的研究成果
关键词 协作治理 合作治理 协作机制 collaborative governance cooperategovernance collaborativemechanism
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