
不同产地酿酒葡萄“赤霞珠”果实中挥发性香气物质差异性研究 被引量:23

Difference of Volatile Aroma Compounds in Ripen Berries of Wine Grape(Cabernet Sauvignon)Among Production Regions
摘要 以云南迪庆德钦、山东烟台莱山和河北怀来沙城3个产地成熟期酿酒葡萄"赤霞珠"为试材,采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析技术,研究比较了3个产地葡萄中挥发性香气物质的差异性。结果表明:3个产地酿酒葡萄"赤霞珠"果实中共分离鉴定出38种挥发性物质,其中醛类物质12种,醇类物质5种,酮类物质4种,芳香族类物质7种,萜烯类物质6种,酯类物质4种;3个产地酿酒葡萄"赤霞珠"果实中挥发性香气的物质组成基本一致,香气物质的含量各具特点;云南迪庆德钦产地C6醛类物质含量较低,醇类物质和芳香族类物质含量较高;河北怀来沙城产地含有较多的萜烯类物质,香气物质总量为3个产地最高;山东烟台莱山产地在特殊气味物质的种类与含量上区别于其它2个产地。 Volatile aroma compounds in berries of wine grape (Cabernet Sauvignon) from three production regions (Deqin in Yunnan, Laishan in Shandong and Shacheng in Hebei) in China were analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (C-C-MS). The results showed that 38 kinds volatile aroma compounds,including 12 aldehydes, 5 alcohols, 4 ketones, 7 aromatics, 6 terpenes and 4 esters, were detected in grape berry samples. Among three production regions, the composition of volatile aroma compounds in grape berries were basically the same,while the content of volatile aroma compounds showed different features. The grape berry sample of Deqin in Yunnan had lower content of C6 aldehydes and higher content of alcohols and aromatics^Shacheng in Hebei had higher content of terpenes, and the total volatile aroma compounds was also the highest among three production regions ; while the variety and content of special odor compounds of Laishan in Shandong showed differences with the other two regions.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期23-28,共6页 Northern Horticulture
基金 山东省现代农业产业技术体系水果产业创新团队资助项目(SDAIT-03-021-12)
关键词 产地 酿酒葡萄 挥发性香气物质 production regions wine grape volatile aroma compounds
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