
城市文化消费空间的文化研究--以成都宽窄巷子胡里酒吧为例 被引量:3

Cultural Research on the Spaces of Cultural Consumption in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Huli Bar in Kuanzhai Alley, Chengdu
摘要 在资本主义与全球化浪潮的裹挟中,文化成为引诱资本之物。该文将视觉焦点集中于成都市传统历史街区宽窄巷子中的胡里酒吧这一微观空间上。该空间实为"文化消费空间",即通过以传统历史街区为代表的"本土文化"和以酒吧为代表的"西方文化"杂糅所产生,是"文化结合资本"的空间产物。该文化消费空间是在消费导向下生产出的商品化的空间,具有商品美学化和商品符号化的特质。在全球化与资本主义的双重影响下,"文化消费空间"的商品符号化和商品美学等商品特质正逐渐影响消费者的感知与认同。 Affected by capitalism and globalization, culture has become the thing to lure capital (David Harvey, 1988).This article focuses on a microscopic cultural space, which is located in o historic district coiled Kuanzhoi Alley, Chengdu. The microscopic space is indeed "a space of cultural consumption", which is produced by the combination of "local culture" presented by historic districts and "Western culture" presented by bars. Besides, the space of cultural consumption is produced by "the combination of culture and capital". And it is also a space of commercialization, which is produced under the guide of consumption. Affected by globalization and capitalism, the spaces of cultural consumption and their characteristics of commodity symbolic and commodity aesthetics are gradually affecting consumers' perception and identity.
出处 《华中建筑》 2016年第3期142-144,共3页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 文化消费空间 空间生产 商品符号化 商品美学 感知与认同 Spaces of cultural consumption, Space production, Commodity symbolic, Commodity aesthetics, Perception and identify
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