
互动性教学反思对教师专业素养影响效果的研究 被引量:10

The Effect of Collective Reflection on Teacher Professional Development
摘要 本研究运用质的研究方法对互动性教学反思在提高教师专业素养方面的作用进行了深入的研究。我们的研究数据表明,同伴支持下的互动性教学反思极大地帮助教师增强了身份认同感;教师通过互动性教学反思能在较短时间内增进个人教学经验和知识的质和量,加快教师实践性知识系统化的过程。本研究不仅为研究教师教学反思提供了新视角,也为学校师资队伍建设提供一些启示。 Using a qualitative research approach, the present study examines the effect of collective teaching reflection on teacher professional development. The data supported that collective teacher reflection, conducted in various supporting groups, largely strengthened participants' teacher identity. In addition, it was also found that collective teacher reflection improved both the quantity and quality of participants' teaching experience and knowledge in a short time and speed up the process in which teachers systematized their practical knowledge about teaching practices. This study not only provides a new perspective on the investigation of teacher reflection, but also brings important implications for school administrators on the formation of better teacher teams.
作者 王宁 王雪松
出处 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期57-64,共8页 Journal of Schooling Studies
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2013年度教育部重点课题"构建幼儿园教育质量内部保障体系"(编号:DHA130256)
关键词 教师专业发展 教学反思 教师身份认同 教学实践知识 Teacher Professional Development Teacher Reflection Teacher Identity Teaching Practice Knowledge
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