以PIC18F26K80为核心,采用105 k Hz超声波换能器,设计一种游艇内部使用的液位检测器。该液位检测器能够准确检测游艇中各液体的储量,其结果以CAN总线的方式传送到上位机,该电路主要包括超声波收发模块、温度补偿模块以及CAN通信模块。在0.05 m^1 m范围内,精度可达到0.01 m。
Taking the Pic18f26K80 as the system core, a liquid level detector is designed using 105 kHz ultrasonic transducer. The detector can examine the reserve volume of all kinds of liquid and transmits the data to upper monitor by CAN. The system mainly includes the ultrasonic transceiver module, temperature compensation module and CAN communicating module. It meets the require- ment with the precision accuracy at 0.01 m within the range of 0.05 m -1 m.
Shanxi Electronic Technology