
双足机器人小腿减振研究 被引量:2

Study of Active-Passive Vibration Attenuation System for Crus of Biped Robots
摘要 在双足机器人行走稳定性优化控制问题的研究中,为了保障双足机器人行走时上身平台的稳定性以利于传感器的正常工作,提出了一种具有主被动联合减振抗冲功能的一体化小腿结构方案,来对双足机器人小腿减振。在传统被动减振结构基础上,引入Fx LMS算法的主动控制减振方法,通过主动和被动减振分别抑制低频和高频振动。利用Matlab软件仿真,主被动联合减振方法成功衰减了来自足部的冲击,弥补了传统被动减振对于低频振动无法有效抑制的情况。仿真结果表明,能够保障双足机器人上身平台的稳定性,为双足机器人稳定行走优化提供了依据。 An integrated solution to active-passive vibration attenuation and landing impact elimination for crus structure in biped robots is proposed,which can maintain stability of the upper platform to ensure sensors running conditions. Based on the structure of traditional passive vibration attenuation for crus of biped robots,the active control of vibration attenuation approach included the Fx LMS algorithm is applied to suppress low-frequency and high-frequency vibrations via the active and passive vibration attenuation control respectively. The active and passive vibration attenuation approaches successfully attenuate the impact of feet,and they are varified by using the Matlab software simulation,and the disadvantage of traditional passive attenuation approach can be made up effectively.Simulation analysis shows that the design can achieve stability of the upper platform,which offers the basis for the optimization of stable walking of biped robots.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期355-360,共6页 Computer Simulation
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(WK2100100017)
关键词 双足机器人 小腿设计 主被动联合减振 滤波最小均方算法 Biped robots Crus design Active and passive vibration attenuation Fx LMS algorithm
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