
赤裸生命与被生产的肉身:生命政治学的理论发凡 被引量:11

Bare Life and Produced Corps:Theoretical Summarization on Biopolitics
摘要 生命政治学诞生于早期资本主义时期,在曾做过医生的霍布斯那里,国家治理就是一种医生式的行为,在阿甘本看来,霍布斯已经涉及到从传统政治统治向现代生命政治治理的转变。而在20世纪资本主义发展中,生命政治治理已经达到了巅峰,生命政治学将人口分割成普通的适合治理的生命,以及作为例外的特殊个体;对于特殊个体,生命政治的治理是将他们赤裸生命化,变成神圣人,以便加以隔绝和消灭。而没有被排斥和隔绝的人也不是幸运者,由于他们从生命到肉体都是生命政治机制的产物,实际上导致了即便我们戳破了意识形态的幻像,也不可能真正在肉身层面脱离资本主义生命政治的生产,从生命诞生的那一刻,我们的生命已然是这个巨大母体的产物,除非我们弃绝我们的肉体,否则我们只能沦为一种明明知道是假的,但还坚持而为之的新犬儒主义的命运。 Biopolitics was arised in early modern capitalism. According to Thomas Hobbes, who once was a doctor, governmentality is action as therapy of doctor. For Agamben, Hobbes' s metaphor refer to a transformation from traditional politics to modern biopolitics. In development of capitalism in 20th century, the govenmentality of biopolitics have reached its summit. Biopolitics separated the whole population into the normal which is proper to govern, and the accident which is exception. For the latter, the strategy of biopolitics is make it shift to a bare life, become a homo sa- cer, which is convenient for sovereigns to insulation and annihilation. Those who are not insulated and annihilated also have an unfortunate destiny, since all parts of them, from mind to body, are the production of biopolitics. That is, even if we pierce through illusion of ideology, we are still impris- oned in the corps as production of biopolitics and cannot free us from capitalism. Eventually, when we are coming to the world, our life is a creature in the gigantic Matrix. Unless to jettison our corps, we shall become a cynicism which means that we know is false, we have to do so.
作者 蓝江
机构地区 南京大学
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期47-55,共9页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“欧洲生命哲学的新发展”(14ZDB018)的阶段性成果
关键词 生命政治学 赤裸生命 身体 biopolitics bare life corps
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