
“保护的责任”的规范属性及其所塑造的治理结构 被引量:2

Norm Character of “Responsibility to Protect”and Its Construction of Governance Structure
摘要 在基本人权保护的全球治理中,"保护的责任"的规范属性与地位需要从主权国家和国际社会这两个层面分别考察和确定。就主权国家所承担的首要责任而言,该责任依托既有的条约与习惯法在总体上属于具有明确法律约束力的义务。就国际社会所承担的补充保护责任而言,目前尚没有任何国际条约或习惯国际法将其确认为是具有约束力的法律义务。同时,补充保护责任也难以成为人权保护全球治理中的软法义务规范。在目前的条件下,在国际社会所承担的补充保护责任方面不太可能形成法律义务规范,目前所能形成的只能是一种特殊的政治、道义上的义务。总之,"保护的责任"所构建和推进的基本人权保护全球治理模式并不是一种自上而下的硬性的规则治理,而是在国家和国际社会层面形成了一种复合型的治理结构、进程和方法。通过硬法、软法以及政治、道义原则、规范的确立和综合运用,形成一种开放的动态的结构与进程,从而使基本人权保护的各种问题及其所面临的矛盾冲突等可以得到不断的调整平衡与协商解决。 In the global governance of basic human rights protection, norm character and status of "Responsibility to Protect" needs to be reviewed and defined in the two levels of sovereign state and international community. As far as primary responsibility undertaken by sovereign state is con- eerned, based on existing treaty and customary law, it has been an obligation which manifestly has legally binding force as a whole. For "complemental responsibility to protect" undertaken by inter- national community, it has not constituted legal obligation, because there lack basis of treaty and customary international law. At the same time, it is difficult for "complemental responsibility to pro- tect" to become obligation norm of soft law in global governance of basic human rights protection. In the current circumstance, it is unlikely to form legal obligation norm for "complemental responsibility to protect", and what currently can be formed is just an special political and moral obligation. Any- way, global governance model of basic human rights protection established and pushed by "Respon- sibility to Protect" should be comprehensive governance structure, process and method, rather than imperative governance of "from up to down". Open and dynamic structure and process will be formed, depended on the establishment and comprehensive exercise of hard law, soft law and politi- cal and moral principle, norm, so that various problems and conflict in the area of basic human rights protection can be continually regulated, balanced and negotiation settlement.
作者 赵洲
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期98-106,共9页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国政府参与全球性治理若干法律问题研究"(10BFX098)的阶段性成果
关键词 “保护的责任” “对一切”义务 基本人权 全球治理 补充保护责任 "Responsibility to Protect" "erga omnes" basic human rights global governance complemental responsibility to protect
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  • 1Brazil ( A/63/PV. 97, p. 3 ).
  • 2Guatemala ( A/63/PV. 97, p. 14).
  • 3Morocco ( A/63/PV. 98, p. 13).
  • 4China ( A./63/PV. 98, p. 24).
  • 5Venezuela ( A/63/PV. 99, p. 9).
  • 6A/63/PV. 98, p. 26.
  • 7New Zealand ( A/63/PV. 97, p. 25 ).
  • 8Netherlands ( A/63/PV. 97, p. 26).
  • 9Austria ( A/63/PV. 98, p. 1.
  • 10) Switzerland (A/ 63/PV. 98, p. 5 ).


  • 1蔡从燕.国际法律体系中的“公私法分立”[J].北大法律评论,2011,12(1):12-65. 被引量:4
  • 2《保护的责任》第2.14段.
  • 3威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组.《一个更安全的世界:我们共同的责任》(2004年12月13日),A/59/565.
  • 4《高级别小组报告》第201段.
  • 5《高级别小组报告》第202、203段.
  • 6联合国秘书长.《大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权》(2005年3月21日),A/59/2005.
  • 7《大自由》第135段.
  • 8《世界首脑会议成果》,A/RES/60/1,24 October2005.
  • 9联合国秘书长.《履行保护责任》,2009年1月12日,A/63/677.
  • 10《履行保护责任》,第4页.











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