试验采用随机设计在内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原通过测定生产力和越冬率,对引进和收集的13份禾本科牧草、9份豆科牧草进行了适应性评价,旨在筛选出适合当地种植的优良牧草品种。结果表明:沙生冰草和蒙古冰草在引种的禾本科牧草中生产力较高,分别为2 198.4kg/hm2和2 009.3kg/hm2,越冬率分别为87%和85%;豆科牧草中,黄花苜蓿和草原3号苜蓿的生产力分别为900.2kg/hm2和871.3kg/hm2,越冬率分别是85%和88%。因此,以上4个牧草品种适宜在短花针茅荒漠草原用于改良天然草地和建设人工草地。
The test adopted random design to evaluate 13 grasses and 9 legumes, introduced from Canada or collected in native in desert steppe of Inner Mongolia, by measuring the productivity and the wintering rate. The purpose was to select the excellent grasses and legumes which could suitably grow in native rangeland. The results showed that the productivity of Agropyron desertorum 2001-7 and Agropyron mongolicum mengnong No.1 were the highest in grasses about 2 198.4 kg/hm^2 and 2 009.3kg/hm^2 respectively, as well as the wintering rate were 87% and 85%. Likewise, the productivity of Medicago falcata AC yellowed and Medicago varia caoyuan No.3 were 900.2kg/hm^2 and 871.3kg/hm^2 respectively better than other legumes, and the wintering rate were 85% and 88% as well. Therefore, those 4 varieties were suitable for improving natural grassland and constructing artificial grassland in desert steppe of Stipa breviflora.
Pruataculture & Animal Husbandry
Desert steppe
Introduction of forage
Adaptability evaluation