
隔离开关模拟骚扰源研制及应用 被引量:8

Development and Application of Disconnector Simulated Disturbance Source
摘要 为了模拟变电站中实际现场的恶劣电磁环境,进而研究电子式互感器抗扰度性能的检测方法,文中在原有隔离开关作为骚扰源的电子式互感器抗扰度试验系统的基础上,研制了隔离开关模拟骚扰源,并利用该骚扰源进行了电子式互感器的抗扰度性能试验,以推进原有试验项目的标准化。文中利用断路器控制球隙电弧的开合来模拟隔离开关的方法,设计了隔离开关模拟骚扰源系统,该系统具有整体电磁骚扰时间可调、电磁脉冲幅值可调、被试品设备外壳地电位可调、空间辐射磁场可调、空间电场可调等特点;通过对电子式互感器的抗扰度性能测试试验,证明该系统能够满足试验要求,且稳定性好、可靠性高;所提出的隔离开关模拟骚扰源电子式互感器抗扰度试验项目完全可以替代目前所进行的"隔离开关分合容性小电流条件下电子式互感器抗扰度试验"项目,进一步推进了该项目的标准化,新项目的实施可以有效减少由于电子式互感器受到电磁干扰给电网所带来的损失。 In order to simulate the actual harsh electromagnetic environment of substation, and then research the detection method of immunity performance of electronic transformer, based on the original foundation, that the disconnector is used as the disturbance source for the immunity test system of electronic transducer, the disconnector simulated disturbance source is developed, and immunity performance tests of electronic transformer are carried out using the new disturbance source, for advancing standardization of the original test items. In this paper, through the method of controlling the arcing and extinguishing of sphere gap arc by operation of circuit breaker,the system of disconnector simulated disturbance source is developed. The disturbance source system has characters, as the whole electromagnetic disturbance time is adjustable, amplitude of electromagnetic pulse is adjustable, and shell ground potential of the equipment tested is adjustable, space magnetic field and electric field are adjustable, and so on. Through immunity performance tests of electronic transformer, it proves that the disturbance source system can meet the test requirement, and is good stability and high reliability. The test item of immunity performance of electronic transformer by the disconnector simulated disturbance source proposed in this paper, can replace the current test item conducted by small capacitive current in disconnector, so the standardization of the item is further promoted, and the implementation of the new item can effectively reduce the losses of the grid due to electromagnetic interference by electronic transformer.
出处 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期166-173,共8页 High Voltage Apparatus
关键词 电磁环境 电子式互感器 抗扰度性能 隔离开关 模拟骚扰源 标准化 electromagnetic environment electronic transformer immunity performance disconnector disturbance source simulated standardization
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