
基于OECD政策分类的国际农业支持政策绩效分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the Performance of International Agricultural Support Policy Based on OECD Classification Standard
摘要 基于OECD农业支持政策体系分类,采用数据包络分析法评估18个国家以及OECD、欧盟组织的农业支持政策绩效,分析农业支持政策绩效的时序变化规律,探索我国农业支持政策优化路径。计算结果表明,虽然各国的纯技术效率与规模效率均有很大的差异,但从时间的角度来看,各国均表现为纯技术效率不断提升而规模技术效率有所下降,投入冗余部分主要存在于农业生产者支持方面。各国的农业支持规模和农业生产规模的优化程度、配置比例普遍较低,且75%的国家处于规模收益不变或递增状态。我国农业支持政策绩效较低的主要原因在于投入、产出不足。 Based on the agricultural support policy system according to the OECD classification standard,this paper evaluated the performance of 18 national agricultural support policy and OECD,European Union agricultural support policy,analyzed the performance of agricultural support policy by using the Data Envelopment Analysis( DEA) method,in order to seek the optimization path of China agricultural support policy. It was shown that among the 18 countries just Japan and New Zealand maintained the effectiveness of DEA,and the returns to scale remained unchanged. The CRSTE efficiency in Iceland and Chile was the lowest overall in 2012 at only 0. 001,indicating the optimization degree of its agricultural support scale and the allocate proportion of it to the agricultural production scale were low. In the view of time,VRSTE efficiency continuously increased,but the scale efficiency decreased. Due to the various situations in different countries,the differences in VRSTE efficiency and scale efficiency were distinctive. The 75% countries have stable or increasing scale efficiency based on Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) from the perspective of time. Redundant input mainly existed in producer support. With the passing of time,the redundant input was reduced. The main reason of China' s low agricultural support policy performance lies in the shortfall input and deficiency output.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期50-53,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"基于效率提升的农业支持政策传导机制与路径优化研究"(14AJY019)
关键词 农业支持 政策绩效 评价 agricultural support performance of policy evaluation
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