
选择与补偿:高校英语教师职业能动性研究 被引量:31

Selectivity and compensation:Professional agency of university English teachers
摘要 本研究采用叙事探究方法,对4位高校英语教师的职业生活经历进行比较分析,以探讨教师能动性的内涵和践行方式。研究表明,教师能动性由选择能力和补偿能力构成,教师主要通过两种方式践行能动性:一是选择职业发展目标及相应的行动策略,二是通过认知调整和行动调整补偿实践失败的负面影响。4位教师通过发挥能动性把控职业发展的方向和路径,应对职业生活的多重压力,为处于发展困境的教师群体寻求自救之路提供了重要启示。 Through the approach of narrative inquiry, this study explores the core properties of professional agency and its ways of practice with the participants of four university English teachers. Based on a comparative analysis of these teachers' career life experiences, the study reveals that selectivity and compensation constitute the core properties of the teachers' agency, and they practice it in two ways. One is to select goals of development and corresponding action plans, and the other is to compensate for the negative effects of failures by cognitive and behavioral adjustments. Agency allows the four teachers to take control of the direction and course of their professional development, and cope with multiple sources of pressure in their professional life, which provides important implications for the teachers still struggling to find their way out.
作者 陶丽 顾佩娅
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期87-95,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 国家社科基金项目"中国英语教师专业发展环境研究"(编号11BYY042)之子课题成果
关键词 职业能动性 选择 补偿 高校英语教师 professional agency selectivity compensation university English teachers
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