In order to overcome the low efficiency of Restricted Boltzmann Machine handle large data, on the basic of parallel computing platform GPU, the realization of RBM training based on GPU is designed. By researching the training steps of RBM, the contrast divergence algorithm is redesigned to implement on GPU. Combined with previous GPU parallel solutions,matrix multiply-add operations are implemented by CUBLAS libraries. The combination of Tausworthe113 and CLCG4 is used as random number generation to get longer cycle and more concise random number. The CUDA pickup texture memory read mode is used to achieve sigmoid function value, and finally The MNIST handwriting digit database is conduct on the test of this new realization. The MNIST experiment results illustrated that the novel algorithm has good feasibility and is advantageous for hug amount of data. Compared to the previous RBM parallel code, this new GPU parallel processing have more obvious advantages on large data sets and the speedup rate reach at least 25.
Electronic Design Engineering