
业主大会网络运行模式探究 被引量:1

Network Operation Mode of the Owners' Congress
摘要 业主大会作为住宅小区的自治组织,在运行中存在会议召开难、业主决策难等的问题,在小区公共事务治理中未能充分发挥作用。随着信息技术的逐渐成熟,通过网络使业主参与到小区公共事务治理中成为业主大会运行的新模式。比较官方组织的业主公共决策平台和民间自发组织的社区公共交流平台,前者更适宜安放业主大会的法律定位,其决议的效力更具有权威性。因此,在合理注意网络安全的前提下,未来业主大会运行模式的发展方向应当是依托民间网络平台,加大官方设立的业主公共决策平台建构,以推动业主大会的健康发展和社区建设的和谐稳定。 As the autonomous organization of residential district,the owners' congress has the problem of the difficulty of meeting and the difficulty of the owners' decision-making,and can't play a role in the management of public affairs.Along with the information technology's gradual maturity,through the network the owners participate in the community public affairs management to become the new model of the owners' congress. Comparison of the official organization of the owners of public decision-making platform and the community public communication platform for the spontaneous organization,the former is more able to properly place the owners of the general assembly of the legal position,and the effectiveness of its resolutions is more authoritative. Therefore,in the premise of reasonable attention to network security,the future development direction of the owners of the General Assembly should be based on the development of private network platform,to increase the official establishment of public decision-making platform for the construction of the public,in order to promote the healthy development of the owners of the general assembly and the harmonious stability of community building.
作者 朱涛 李维雅
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2016年第1期106-111,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目:基于建筑物区分所有的业主自治组织研究(13CFX068)
关键词 业主大会 社区公共事务 网络运行模式 owners' congress community public affairs network operation mode
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