As an important public utility material from refining enterprises, superheated steam is widely used in the steam pipeline system of refining units.In traditional design,except that it produces condensate water during startups and shutdowns,theoretically,superheated steam does not produce condensed water.For this rea- son,the selection of steam trap valve types is often neglected.Careless or improper selection of superheated steam trap valves may result in serious wasting of superheated steam and retention of condensate water in steam lines.Proper selection of superheated steam trap valves can help timely eleminate the condensate water produced by superheated steam ,thus reducing the loss of steam, saving energy and ensuring the quality of su- perheated steam.In addition,it can prevent superheated steam from mixing with condensate water to produce flash-off steam,in turn causing unstability of pressure of conveyed steam.By comparing common types of steam trap valves and their characteristics and based on the characteristics of superheated steam,researchers calculated key parameters such as the volume of condensate water during startups of units ,safety factor and the rate of back pressure.After comparing the action principles and structures of different types of steam trap valves,they concluded that the hot static double metal plate-type steam trap valve is the appropriate type for superheated steam lines.
Sino-Global Energy
superheated steam
steam trap valve
type selection
type selection parameters