
针对世界卫生组织对卡介苗两次文件立场观点差异的探讨 被引量:5

Discussion on the differences of World Health Organization position on BCG in the two documents
摘要 对世界卫生组织1995年发布的卡介苗声明与2004年发布的卡介苗接种立场文件中的相关观点进行比较、分析、解读,为重新认识卡介苗提供参考依据。同时,从结核病预防控制策略角度,探讨进行卡介苗对青少年及成年人保护效力临床评价的必要性,并对如何评价提出建议,以期充分发挥卡介苗的作用。 There are some different views on WHO statement on BCG revaccination published in BCG vaccine in the two WHO documents. One of them was the 1995, and the other was WHO position opened in 2004. The above different views were compared and interpreted in this review, expected to provide some reference for taking a new understanding about BCG vaccine. At the same time, from the perspective of tuberculosis prevention and control, the authors tried to analyze the necessity of clinical trials to evaluate BCG efficacy in adolescents and adults, and gave some suggestions on how to evaluate the efficacy. All those are hoped that BCG vaccine can play a key role in preventing tuberculosis.
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2016年第2期87-89,共3页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
关键词 结核 疫苗 卡介苗 Tuberculosis Vaccines BCG
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