
《荒原》中地素的符号学研究——以“城市”一词为例 被引量:2

Semiotic Study on the Toponym in The Waste Land
摘要 艾略特非常重视诗歌字词的大小写和字距等因素,认为这是产生不同诗歌语感和含义的基础。《荒原》是一首城市诗歌,这可以从《荒原》中充满了重复性的城市语汇和结构得到证实。《荒原》中的"城市"语汇承担了符号学中的地素锚定功能,这使得《荒原》所表达的内容具有更高的真实性和更多的内涵。因此,从符号学视角出发对于"城市"一词的复义研究,有助于我们挖掘诗歌赖以存在的语言载体和其可能的所指,为探讨《荒原》的深层结构打下基础。 Eliot values very much the significance and functions of the capitalization and spacing of words, which he considers as the basis of sense and meanings of a poem. The Waste Land is in fact a city poem, proven by the repetition of the words and structure concerning city. The word "City/city" takes the role of anchoring as typonym, which makes possible the verisimilitude and complex implications within. Thus, semiotic research on the polysemy of the word "City/city" helps us to uncover the possible meanings of the lexical item and the underlying structure within the poem.
作者 赵晶
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期42-50,共9页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 上海市高校教师国外访学进修项目 东华大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金【项目批号:13D111414】 东华大学文科基地建设专项资金【项目批号:15D111428】的资助
关键词 城市 《荒原》 地素 锚定 复义 符号学 city The Waste Land typonym anchoring polysemy semiotics
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  • 1Baedeker, Karl. London and Its Environs. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.
  • 2Eliot, T. S. The Letters ofT. S. Eliot: 11ol. 1, 1898-1922. Ed. Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton. New Haven: Yale UP, 2011.
  • 3艾略特:《T·S·艾略特诗选:荒原》,赵萝蕤译.北京:北京燕山出版社,2006年.
  • 4Ferber, Michael. A Dictionary of Symbols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
  • 5韩金鹏.不真实的城市与真实的欲望——艾略特《四个四重奏》与《荒原》的比较研究[J].国外文学,2013(1):117-124. 被引量:3
  • 6Kermer, Hugh. "The Urban Apocalypse." Eliot in His Time: Essays on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Waste Land. Ed. A. Walton Litz. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1973.23-49.
  • 7Lehan, Richard. The Oty in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History. Berkeley: U of California P, 1998.
  • 8Michie, Ronald C. The City of London: Continuity and Change, 1850-1990. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1992.
  • 9North, Michael, ed. Norton Critical Edition of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land. New York: Norton, 200 t.


  • 1T.S. Eliot, " Burnt Norton", Four Quartets (New York. Harcourt, Brace and Company,1943), 3 -8 页.
  • 2汤永宽译.《四个四重奏》,上海译文出版社1994年版.
  • 3T. S. Eliot, "The Bury of the Dead", The Complete Poems and Plays ( London . Faber and Faber Ltd.1969) , 61 -63 页.
  • 4赵萝蕤等译.《艾略特诗选》,山东大学出版社1999年版.
  • 5T. S. Eliot, The Letters of T. S. Eliot, Volume I, 1898 - 1922 (New York. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1988), p. 55.
  • 6T. S. Eliot, "Little Gidding', Four Quartets (New York. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1943), 31-39页.
  • 7T. S. Eliot, "East Coker", Four Quartets (New York. Harcourt. Brace and Comoany, 1943), 11 - 17 页.
  • 8B. C. A. Southam, Guide to the Selected Poems of T. S. Eliot ( New York . Harvest/HBJ Book, 1968), pp. 76 - 77.
  • 9"si lunga tratta/ di gente, ch' io non avrei mai creduto! che morte tanta n'avesse disfatta", Alighieri Dante, Dante's Inferno ( Bloomington. Indiana University Press, 1971 ) , Ⅲ 1. 55 -57.
  • 10T. S. Eliot, "The Fire Sermon", The Complete Poems and Plays (London. Faber and Faber Ltd. , 1969), 61 -63.










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