
从内战史研究看150年来美国史学思潮的变迁 被引量:2

The Study of the Civil War and the Changing Trend of American Historiography over the Past 150 Years
摘要 作为美国历史上最重大的事件之一,美国内战自爆发之初就引起人们的极大争论。伴随着内战的结束,内战史学随之兴起。此后,受不同时期美国社会变迁和史学思潮的影响,不同时代的美国史学家在内战起因、性质及历史意义等问题上对内战展开了激烈而持久的争论,美国内战史学中的地区主义学派、民族主义学派、进步主义学派、修正主义学派、新民族主义学派、新修正主义学派、多元社会史学派等依次勃兴于美国史坛。这些学派的出现,一方面构成150年来美国内战史研究发展变迁的完整轨迹,另一方面也从一个侧面很好地展示了19世纪下半叶以来美国整体史学思潮的发展与流变。 As one of the most significant events in the history of the United States,the Civil War has caused many controversies almost ever since its outbreak. Influenced by the social changes and historical thoughts of different period,American historians in different periods have precipitated and engaged in many fierce and prolonged debates on the causes,nature and historical significance of the Civil War. The historiography of the Civil War,therefore,has reflected the influences of various schools,such the Progressive School,the Revisionist School,the New Nationalist School,the New Revisionist School and the Pluralistic Social School in American historiography. As such,it also helps demonstrate the changing ideas and trends of the works of American historians from the mid 19 th century to this day.
作者 徐良
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期100-112,160,共13页 Historiography Bimonthly
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“20世纪美国史学思潮变迁研究”(项目编号:12BSS001)的阶段性成果
  • 相关文献


  • 1http ://www. oah. org/programs/civilwar/[ 2012 - 10 - 01 ].
  • 2Robert P. Warren, The Legacy of the Civil War:Meditations on the Centennial, Random House, 1961, pp. 3 -4.
  • 3Thomas J. Pressly ,Americans Interpret Their Civil War, First Collier Books Edition, Princeton University Press, 1962, pp. 27 -147.
  • 4See Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States ( 3 Volumes, George W. Childs, Publisher / T. Belknap, Publisher, 1866 - 1868 ).
  • 5Horace Greeley,American Conflict :A History of the Great Rebellion (2 Volumes, O. D. Case. & Company, 1864 - 1866).
  • 6John W. Draper,History of the American Civil War(3 Volumes, Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1868 - 1870 ).
  • 7James Schouler, History of the United States of America under the Constitution ( Dodd, Mead & Company Publishers, 1880).
  • 8See Wade Hampton, "Address of Gen. Wade Hampton" ,Southern Historical Society,I(1874).
  • 9Albert T. Bledsoe, The War between the States(J. P. Bell Company, Inc. ,1915).
  • 10Gerald N. Grob and George Athan Billias,eds. ,Interpretations of American History:Patterns and Perspectives ( Volume I : To 1877 ) , p. 378.


  • 1Gerald N. Grob and George Athan Billias, eds. , Interpretations of American History: Patterns and Perspectives (Volume I: To 1877 ), Sixth Edition, New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc. , 1992, p. 376.
  • 2Thomas J. Pressly, Ameri-cocans Interpret Their Civil War, New York: Collier Books, 1962, pp. 27 - 147.
  • 3, Gerald N. Grob and George Athan BiUias, eds. , lnterpre-tations of American History: Patterns and Perspectives (Volume 1: To 1877), p. 378.
  • 4History of the UnitedStates of America under the Constitution, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company Publishers, 188~.
  • 5Gerald N. Grob and George Athan Billias, eds. , Interpretations of American History: Patterns and Per-spectives ( Volume 1: To 1877), p. 377.
  • 6http: //www. britannica, com/EBchecked/topic/501627/James- Ford- Rhodes.
  • 7Edward Channing, A History of the United States, edited & a-bridged by Davis D. Joyce, University Press of America, 1993, "Introduction: Edward Channing and the Great Work", vii -xxiv.
  • 8Gerald N. Grob and George Athan Billias, eds. , Interpretations of American History: Patterns and Perspectives ( Volume 1: To 1877), p. 379.
  • 9Gerald N. Grob and George Athan BiUias, eds. , Interpretations of American History: Patterns and Perspectives ( Volume I: To 1877),pp. 379 -380.
  • 10Robert Cruden, James Ford Rhodes: The Man, the Historian, and His Work, Cleveland: The Press of Western Reserve University, 1961, "Introduction", xi -xiiio.










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