This paper is aimed to enhance the efficiency of the riser insertion tube, which is one of the quick-response techniques 1o be applied for the deepwater environment accidents. Based on the multi- phase flowing method and the Beggs-Brill related math model, we have established a process-analyzing model of the riser insertion tube tool. And, then we have validated the multiphase flow model by making a comparison and contrast against the field data gained from a deepwater environment accident, confirming that the mean deviation of the model from the catual accident tends to be 5.85 %. The afore- mentioned result also implies that the model is suitable for describing the field process to a reasonable extent. Hence, the validated model has enabled us to take up ihe project for strengthening the hydrocar- bon recovery via nitrogen. What is more, even when the outlet pres- sure of the recovery pipe remained unchanged, it would still be possi-ble for the amount of injected nitrogen to rise up gradually. Besides, as we can see under the deep water environment, even if the pressure can be very high whereas the temperature there is rather low, methanol can still be injected to inhibit the hydrate formation. The proposed model has also accounted for the volume of nitrogen that should be injected to enhance the hydrocarbon recovery effectively, which should be 18% for the Deepwater environment accidents, to the maximum growth. So far as the hydrate inhibition is concerned, we have established the methanol injection flow rate as the maximum hydrocarbon recovery rate so as to leave for a safety margin. And, fi- nally, it would be possible to level off the hydrocarbon recovery flow rate with the increase of the injected nitrogen. It is just for the above said reasons that we have put forward the rate for exchange of the hy- drocarbon recovery to optimize the nitrogen injection rate. Given that the system were not completely sealed up, the water content of the recovered hydrocarbon could still be made to rise up enough. There- fore, the optimal nitrogen rate and the maximum hydrocarbon recov- ery flow rate we have developed should be taken as our main research patent on the effects of the water content. To be exact, the findings should be stated as formally: with the increase of the water content, the optimal nitrogen injection flow rate tends to go up following an ap- proximate linear trend while the maximum hydrocarbon recovery flow rate tends to decrease in the same manner.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
deepwater drilling
riser insertiontube tool
hydrocarbon induction
hydrate in-hibition