
富血小板血纤蛋白在牙槽嵴位点保存中的应用 被引量:6

The application of platelet-rich fibrin in alveolar ridge site preservation
摘要 牙齿拔除后,牙槽嵴会有一定程度的吸收并伴有软组织的退缩,致使种植修复效果不理想。富血小板血纤蛋白(PRF)富含的血小板、白细胞、白细胞细胞因子、转化生长因子、血小板衍生生长因子、血管内皮生长因子、成纤维细胞生长因子、胰岛素样生长因子等,可有效地调控与组织再生相关的细胞的增殖、分化和程序性死亡,促进手术位点的血管化,增强术区抗感染能力及促进拔牙创软硬组织的再生。PRF多孔网状的三维空间结构有利于生长因子和氧气的弥散,新生骨组织的爬行替代及新生血管的长入,可为骨组织的血管化提供足够的空间,促进拔牙区软硬组织的再生。PRF取自患者自身血液经离心后制得,制备时间短,操作过程简便,较之富血小板血浆有更好的生物安全性和生物活性。PRF既可以单独应用,也可以联合应用。 After tooth extraction, there would be some degree of alveolar bone crest absorption with soft tissue recession, which leads to unsatisfactory implantation restoration. Platelet-rich fibrin(PRF) contains platelet, leukocyte, cytokines, transforming growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, et al. These cells and factors could regulate the proliferation, differentiation, and programmed death of cells effectively, which are related to tissue regeneration. PRF could promote vascularization in operation site, enhance infected resistance, and promote the regeneration of soft and hard tissue. The porous and reticulated structure of PRF makes it easy for growth factors and oxygen to diffuse, and for new bone forming to replace blood vessels. It provides enough space for the vascularization of bone, which promotes the regeneration of soft and hard tissue eventually. Compared with platelet-rich plasma, PRF is acquired from the patients themselves, need less time to prepare, and have better biosecurity and bioactivity. It could work alone, and cooperate with other materials as well.
作者 廖军 徐普
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期216-219,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
基金 海南省重点科技计划(ZDXM20120054)~~
关键词 富血小板血纤蛋白 牙槽嵴 位点保存 牙种植 platelet-rich fibrin alveolar ridge site preservation dental implantation
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