

National Identity Construction in Politeness Strategies by NPC Spokesperson: Taking the First Press Conference by the First NPC Spokeswoman as the Case
摘要 本研究以Brown和Levinson的礼貌策略理论为分析框架、以全国人大首位女新闻发言人的首场新闻发布会语言为语料,对其礼貌策略特征进行定量和定性分析。文本分析表明:发言人在此次发布会中较为突出的礼貌策略包括积极礼貌策略中的"包含说话人和听话人""提供礼物(物品、同情、理解、合作)""表示乐观""关注听话人(的兴趣、愿望、需求、物品)",消极礼貌策略中的"提问与保留""把相关面子威胁行为当作普遍原则""将强加最小化",以及非公开性礼貌策略中的"预设"和"模糊"。这些礼貌策略结合其表达内容建构起来的国家身份认同具有3个突出特征:真诚合作的总体形象认同、以民为本的对内形象认同、柔中带刚的负责任新兴大国国际形象认同。 Taking Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategy Theory as the analytical framework and the first press conference speech by the first NPC spokeswoman as the data, the present study, at a semantic lev- el,makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of her politeness strategies. Findings show that her salient politeness strategies include "Include both S and H in the activity"," Give gifts to H (goods, sympathy,un- derstanding, cooperation) "," Be optimistic" and "Attend to H ( his interests, wants, needs, goods ) "as parts of positive politeness strategies, "Questions and hedges", "State the FI'A as a general rule" and "Minimize the imposition" as parts of negative politeness strategies and "Presuppose" and "Be vague" as parts of offrecord politeness strategies. These strategies together with the content thereby expressed have helped construct the national identities as a friendly and cooperative Chinese government, a people-oriented domestic image and an international image of a responsible emerging power.
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2016年第1期10-18,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
关键词 礼貌策略 身份认同 新闻发布会 话语建构 politeness strategies identity NPC press conference discursive construction
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