目的 分析三门峡市甲乙丙类法定传染病的流行趋势,为传染病防控工作提供科学依据。方法 对2010~2014年三门峡市的疫情资料进行分析描述。结果 2010~2014年三门峡市法定传染病发病率为359.13~527.74/10万,5年间法定传染病发病率呈较低的发病态势(P〉0.05),发病前10种病谱排序变化不大,乙肝、手足口病、肺结核和梅毒始终位居前4。不同地区法定传染病发病率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。0~4岁发病最多,12 921例,占发病总数的27.04%,农民、散居儿童和幼托儿童为19 953、9 944、3 824例,分别占41.76%、20.81%和8.00%。结论 肠道传染病和呼吸道传染病的发病呈较平稳的态势,血液及性传播传染病呈下降趋势,自然疫源及虫媒传染病有小幅度的上升,而丙类传染病的发病上升趋势较为明显。手足口病、肺结核、乙肝、梅毒和丙肝为防治的重点传染病。
Objective To analyze the epidemic trend of notifiable infectious diseases in Sanmenxia city, 2010-2014, so as to provide sciehtific basis for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Methods The epidemic data in Snmenxia city,2010-2014 were analyzed. Results During 2010-2014,the incidence rate of notifiahle infectious diseases in Sanme- nxia city was 359.13/105-527.74/10s, with a downward trend( P 〉0.05), the ranking in the first 10 kinds of disease spectrum changed little, hepatitis B, hand-foot-mouth disease, tuberculosis and syphilis were always the top 4. The inci- dence rate of infectious diseases in different areas was different( P 〈0.05). Most cases were in the 0-4 years old age group,with 12 921 cases,accounting for 27.04% of the total. There were 19 953,9 944,and 3 824 cases in farmers, scat- tered children, and kindergarten children, accounting for 41.76 %, 20.81% and 8.00 %. Conclusion The incidence of in- t:estinal infectious diseases and respiratory infectious diseases has a relatively stable trend, that of blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections is on the decline, that of natural foci and insect-borne infectious diseases has a slight rise,while that of Class C infectious diseases has a more obvious rising trend. Hand-foot and mouth disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, hepa- titis B,syphilis and hepatitis C are the key infectious diseases for prevention and control.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Infectious diseases
Epidemic trend