
营销专业案例教学模式研究——以《消费者行为学》为例 被引量:3

A Study on Case Teaching Model of Marketing Courses:Taking Course of Consumer Behavior as an Example
摘要 案例教学是培养实战型市场营销专业人才的重要方法。为克服《消费者行为学》教学中存在的"概念多,记忆难、模型多,理解难、知识宽,应用难"等问题,有必要通过"提出问题、选择案例、分析案例、互动校验"等流程分别设计概念理解型案例、模型理解型案例以及技能应用型案例,并从"理论教学、案例导入、案例分析、现场互动、教师总结与课后分享"等方面科学规划教学设计,从而借助案例教学模式提升教学互动效果和学生综合素质。 Case teaching is an important teaching method to cultivate marketing major students. In order to overcome the problems in teaching consumer behavior, such as difficulties in memorizing too many concepts, understanding various rood- els as well as the application of broad knowledge, it is necessary to design the concept understanding case, model under- standing case and skill application case through the process of "proposing questions, case selection, case analysis and Interactive check", and scientifically plan the teaching design fi'om the following aspects: theory teaching, case introduc- tion, case analysis, interaction, teachers' summary and after-school sharing, promoting teaching and leaming interaction and students' comprehensive ability.
出处 《福建商业高等专科学校学报》 2016年第1期72-79,共8页 Journal of Fujian Commercial College
基金 福州大学精品课程与市场营销专业核心课程"消费者行为分析" 福州大学特色及重点专业建设"市场营销"项目资助
关键词 案例教学 消费者行为学 概念理解型案例 模型理解型案例 技能应用型案例 case teaching consumer behavior concept understanding case model understanding case skill application case
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