以2-甲基萘气固相催化氧化制备2-甲基-1,4-萘醌体系为研究对象,设计了三塔连续减压精馏工艺,并利用Aspen Plus软件对整个分离过程进行了模拟计算。通过选择物性方法和组分的简化、DSTWU模块的简捷设计和Rad Frac模块的严格计算,应用模型分析工具优化得到了粗酚系统连续减压精馏的工艺参数。若各塔轻关键组分的回收率设为98%,在一定的进料条件下,塔1、塔2、塔3的理论塔板数分别为10、13和19;最佳进料位置分别在6、9和10块板;塔顶产品与进料的质量流中之比(D/F)分别为0.293 3、0.191 2和0.647 6。得到2-甲基萘、2-甲基-1,4-萘醌和苯酐产品的质量分数分别为99.9%、99.0%和99.9%。该过程得到的结果对开发更为高效便捷的粗酚分离精制方法具有一定参考价值。
A three-column continuous vacuum distillation process is designed to purify 2-methyl-1,4-naphoquinone prepared by vapor oxidation of 2-methylnaphthalene. Aspen Plus is used to simulate the whole separation process. The parameters of continuous vacuum distillation process are obtained by choosing appropriate property method, simplifying the components, simulating with DSTWU and RadFrae model, and employing model analysis tools. The results show that, if the recovery rates of light key components for three columns are all 98% ,their theoretical plate numbers are 10,13 and 19,respectively,with corresponding feeding plate numbers of 6,9 and 10, and ratio of the distillate to feed fraction of O. 293 3,0. 191 2 and 0. 647 6. The purity of 2-metbylnaphthalene ,2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone and phthalic anhydride can reach 99. 9% ,99. 0% ,99.9% ,respectively. It is helpful to develop a simpler and more efficient method to separate the crude phenol products.
Modern Chemical Industry