
基于水下摄像的渔山列岛厚壳贻贝资源评估与分析 被引量:2

Survey and resource evaluation of Mytilus coruscus for underwater visual censuses of Yushan Islands
摘要 厚壳贻贝是我国东部沿海重要的经济贝类之一,自然环境中栖息范围不甚明确。本文于2014年7月间利用水下摄像的手段,调查和分析了渔山列岛不同断面上厚壳贻贝的自然分布特征。结果表明:渔山列岛潮下带5条断面的生态类型差异显著,不同断面栖息的优势种也不相同;断面间厚壳贻贝的栖息密度均值为37.04~185.80ind/m2,其中断面A的栖息密度最低,断面E的栖息密度最高,断面C和断面D的栖息密度相差不大,但是不同调查样方内厚壳贻贝的栖息密度从0~388.89ind/m2不等;厚壳贻贝主要分布在水深3~9m的水层中,其中以水深5~8m的水层中最为密集,约占总栖息密度的90%以上;在水深8m的区带上,厚壳贻贝的栖息密度为160.19ind/m2,当水深小于1m和大于11m时,厚壳贻贝分布极少;经双因素方差分析表明,厚壳贻贝栖息密度在不同断面(F=57.011,P〈0.01)和不同水层(F=66.495,P〈0.01)中的差异均极显著,断面和水层的交互作用(F=10.483,P〈0.01)对厚壳贻贝的自然分布也有极显著差异;经检验,厚壳贻贝栖息密度(A)的自然分布与水深(D)呈正态分布,可以用高斯方程拟合,R2的取值范围为0.875 3~0.999 7;利用聚类分析发现,调查样方被明显的分为3组,体现了水深在厚壳贻贝自然分布中的显著作用。 Mytilus coruscus, the natural distribution of which was indistinct,is one of the important economic shell-fish of East China Sea. The natural distributions of different sections in Yushan Islands were analyzed by underwa- ter survey in July, 2014. The results showed, the differences of ecological types in five survey sections are signifi- cant,and the dominant species of five sections are different as well. The density of Mytiius coruscus varied from 37.04 ind/m2 to 185.80 ind/m2 in different sections, the density of section A was higher than other sections, the following was section C and section D, the density of section B was the lowest. Furthermore, the density of each survey plot varied from 0 to 388.89 ind/m2. The main natural distribution water depth of Mytilus coruscus was from underwater 9 m to underwater 3 m,but mainly distribution water depth was from underwater 8 m to under- water 5 m, and the total of 90 percent of Mytilus coruscus were recorded in this zone. The highest density of under- water 8 m depth was 160. 19 ind/m2 ,and few mussel were found when the water depth is less than 1 m or exceed 11 m. The density of Mytilus coruscus changed greatly in different sections (F= 57.011, P〈0.01) and water depths (F= 66.495,P〈0.01),which influenced significantly by section and water depth through double factor va- riance analysis,interaction of survey sections and water depths effected significantly on density of Mytilus coruscus (F= 10. 483 ,P〈0. 01). The relationship between density (A) and water depth (D) can be represented by the fob lowing Gauss Equation,the valve of equation R2 varied from 0. 875 3 to 0. 999 7. Using hierarchical clustering,the 31 different surveys underwater zones were classified into three groups: the characteristic of first group were blank zone,the characteristic of second group were the water depth from 5 to 8 m,the characteristic of third group was the water depth less than 3 m or exceed than 9 m. The results showed that the water depth is the main factor which influenced the distribution of Mytilus coruscus.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期84-92,共9页
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303047) 宁波市科技局攻关项目(2014C10018)
关键词 渔山列岛 厚壳贻贝 水下摄像 资源评估 Yushan Islands Mytilus coruscus underwater video resource evaluation
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