

Influence of Collaborative Reasoning Discussion on the Promotion of Argumentation Skills of Primary School Students
摘要 本研究通过教学干预实验,探讨了一种全新的课堂讨论模式——协作推理讨论在中国语文课堂中的适用性及其对四年级学生论证技能的促进作用。结果发现:中国一线语文教师能够成功地组织协作推理讨论;学生能够主动推进讨论进程,自主进行推理;与对照组学生相比,实验组学生在反思性写作任务中更多使用证据及提供理由进行立论,但在反论及反驳方面未见显著差异,这对我国今后的教育改革具有一定的启示意义。 A new model of classroom discussion, collaborative reasoning discussion, is discussea through the teaching experiment to find out its adaptability in Chinese language classroom and its influence on the promotion of grade four students' argumentation skills. Results show that Chinese teachers can successfully organize the collaborative discussion. Students can take the initiative to promote the process of discussion and do independent reasoning. Compared to the control group, the collaborative reasoning group uses more reasons and evidences to support their arguments in the reflective writing, but there are no significant differences in the counterarguments and rebuttals. This has certain enlightenment significance to China's education reform in the future.
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期108-113,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(11JZD041)
关键词 论证图式 协作推理讨论 反思性写作 小学生论证技能 argument schema collaborative reasoning discussion reflective writing argumentation skills of primary school students
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