基于GC-MS研究火灾及灭火过程中PAEs类增塑剂的释放问题,开展了多样品混合燃烧和PVC单一样品完全燃烧和未完全燃烧(消防水介入)试验,并运用GC-MS进行检测各燃烧产物中PAEs的存在及其表现情况.通过提取目标离子(m/z=149)得出相应谱图.结果表明,未完全燃烧组所得残留混合水样品中的确存在PAEs类增塑剂的污染情况,主要污染物为DIBP和DBP两类增塑剂;在完全燃烧组固体残留物中并没有明显检测到PAEs类增塑剂的扩散释放;而烟气中PAEs的表现明显比未完全燃烧组中的渣水混合物要弱势很多,各样品两者的丰度比例为1∶3~1∶16之间,这一结果说明了消防水的介入,反而会加剧燃烧过程中PAEs类增塑剂的释放.此外,在对PVC单一样品的未完全燃烧试验中发现渣水残留物中PAEs类增塑剂0~7 d的时间范围内,PAEs的总体峰面积均随时间的递增而增加.
In this paper, the increasing release problem of the PAEs plasticizes was studied in fire and fire protection based on GC--MS, two experiments of complete combustion (without water) and incomplete combustion (with water) were carried out on various samples which contained mixed samples and a single sample of PVC , and then used GC -- MS to analyse the existence, performance, and change of the PAEs in all combus- tion products. By processing the chromatograms on target ion treatment, compared the residues composition from complete combustion and incomplete combustion in all samples. The re- sults show that the existenee of PAEs is positive in samples of the residues with water from incomplete combustion, and the main pollutants is DIBP and DBP, while it was not found in the residues from the samples of complete combustion. At the same time, the PAEs performance of gas from complete combustion were very weaker than the PAEs from incomplete combustion, the PAEs abundance ratio of each other was ranged from 1 : 3 to 1 : 16. It can make a conclusion thdt water in fire protection may aggravate the release of PAEs. In addition, the performanee of PAEs of PVC over time is monitored at 0~7 day, the result show the total abundances were increased with time, and it indieated the PAEs of incomplete eombustion samples were continue to release, and it is further explained that the fire pro- tection process will aggravate the release of PAEs and .will do 'great harm to water environments.
Fire Science and Technology