The Singers often say that The Epic-Gesar is an endless song, and it is also widely agreed among the Mongolian poets that there are many resurrected heroes in The Epic of Jangar. The practice of singing these epics is ceaseless, but the process can be measured in units of verbal poems, bolog in Mongolia, in which single or multiple brlrg are contained in an epic. As a result, in the same way as Greek mathematician Tyrus deducted the height of a pyramid with the triangle theorem, we are able to derive the property of the entire epic such as King Gesar and The Epic of Jangar from various samples of poems within them. In order for this to happen, a provable and debatable theoretical system needs to be constructed, which is the historical mission for Chinese scholars nowadays.
Journal of Art College of Inner Mongolia University
Epic singing, Features of scientific theories, A provable pseudo-epic theory