舞蹈是一种肢体语言艺术,由身体来表现各种难易不同的动作,通过不同的节奏,表现出活跃在内心丰富而又多彩的情感。但每一部舞蹈作品都会有属于它本身的舞台和空间,奥斯卡﹒史莱默(Oskar Schlemmer)的《三位元芭蕾》所强调的正是这种抽象的空间感和视觉效果,其巧妙地将空间、形状、颜色结合在了一起。
Dance can be interpreted as a body language; the different movements through different rhythms can expression. But every piece has its own stage and his space. In the Triadiscbes Ballett of oskar schlemer lay stress on the space stage and optical effects. He combines space, shape, color quite completely.
Journal of Art College of Inner Mongolia University