

On Three Issues Concerning the Economic Development During the 13th Five-Year Plan
摘要 关于"十三五"期间我国经济发展有三个问题值得重视:一是实现经济增长中高速,这符合三次产业演进规律、符合经济发展规律、符合我国实际情况;二是制造业迈向中高端水平,进入以服务业为主导的经济增长阶段,装备制造业增加值比重的趋于下降并不意味着其衰落,对大国和强国来说,大力振兴装备制造业具有极其重要的意义;三是重视五大发展理念,即创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展和共享发展,其进一步丰富与发展了科学发展观,对我国今后的发展具有极其重要的指导意义。 There come three concerns worthy of attention as to economic development during the 13 th five-year plan period. First, boosting economy in a high speed conforms with the rule of tertiary industry evolution, rule of economic development as well as realities in China. The second refers to upgrading manufacturing to medium and high level and stepping into a serviceindustry-dominating stage. The decreasing proportion of equipment manufacturing doesn't indicate its demise, whereas its revitalization carries great weight for major powers. The third highlights 'Five Development Concepts', namely the development of innovation, coordination, environment-friendliness,openness, sharing. 'Five Concepts' enrich and enhance The Scientific Outlook on Development, carrying great significance for our future development.
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期36-39,92,共4页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
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