思维方式是人们在一定时期认识、研究和处理问题起主导作用的思维模式 ,它是随着人类社会的发展而发展的 ,任何社会历史的重大变革 ,都会引起思维方式的转变。网络经济时代 ,是一个不同于以往任何历史时期的全新时代 ,我们必须承认这个客观现实和社会发展的必然趋势 。
A thinking pattern is the predominant way that people learn, investigate and deal with the problem in a certain period. It develops with the social development and changes with all significant social and historical transformations. The network economy era is completely different from all preceding historical periods,whose objectivity and necessity we must acknowledge. New features in the corresponding thinking pattern are discussed.
The Northern Forum