目的分析南昌市近10年疟疾流行的特点,为制订疟疾防制策略提供依据。方法收集全市2005-2014年间疟疾疫情资料、个案调查表,描述流行病学方法分析疟疾病例在时间、地区和人群中的分布特点。结果 2005-2014年南昌市共发现疟疾112例,其中男110例,女2例。平均年发病率为0.2287/10万,其中2005-2011年间发病率呈上升趋势(χ~2=18.426,P〈0.01),2011-2014年间发病率差异无统计学意义(χ~2=3.038,P=0.386)。输入性疟疾病例为108例,占总病例数的96.43%,本地复发病例4例,其中2例为间日疟。按发病地区分,前3位依次是青山湖区、进贤县和南昌县,分别为33、24和17例,西湖区、东湖区、青云谱区、新建县和湾里区分别为14、9、9、5和1例。病例主要集中在20~49岁年龄组,占总病例数的79.46%(89/112)。全年每月均有病例报告,无明显季节性。职业分析发现,往来非洲、东南亚等疟疾高发地区的务工人员(农民、工人和民工)为高危人群,分别占总病例数的25.0%(28/112)、23.2%(26/112)和11.6%(13/112)。结论输入性疟疾占南昌市疟疾病例的绝大多数,应作为今后疟疾防治工作的重点。
Objective T6 analyze the epidemiological characteristics of malaria in Nanchang city in 2005-2014, and provide scientific basis for developing control strategies. Methods The data on surveillance and incidence of malaria from 2005 to 2014 were collected and analyzed using descriptive epidemiological methods to indicate its distribution characteristics. Results The total number of malaria cases reported in Nanchang city was 112 from 2005 to 2014, including 110 cases of male, 2 cases of female. The ratio of infection between the male and female was 55:1. There were 4 local recurrence cases and 108 imported cases (accounting for 96.43%, 108/112). The annual average malaria incidence was 2.287 per million. The infection rate with malaria parasites showed an increasing trend from 2005 to 2011 (X^2=18.426, P〈0.01 ). However, the ratio of infection was not significantly different from 2011 to 2014 (x^2=3.038,P=0.386). There were 33,24,17,14,9,9,5 and 1 cases reported in Qingshanhu district, Jinxian county, Nanchang county, Xihu district, Donghu district, Qingyunpu district, Xinjian county and Wanli district, respectively. 79.46% of the patients were between 20 to 49 years old.There was no correlation between the seasonal change and the occurrence of malaria.Occupation analysis indicated that peasants, workers and peasant laborers who were working outside in malaria epidemic areas, such as Africa and South-East Asia, were high risk populations of malaria. The numbers of infection of peasants, workers and peasant laborers who were working outside in malaria epidemic areas were 28, 26 and 13, accounting for 25.0%, 23.2% and 11.6%, respectively. Conclusion Imported malaria cases accounted for the majority of malaria cases in Nanchang city, so the control of imported cases should be strengthened.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
Nanchang city