
新形势下大学生法制教育课程教学改革实证研究 被引量:4

The Empirical Research on the Reform of the Course and Teaching for University Students' Legal Education under the New Situation
摘要 随着十八届三中全会提出"推进法治中国建设",以及十八届四中全会又提出"全面推进依法治国",中国法治建设逐渐向纵深推进。在这样全面依法治国的大背景下,作为大学生法制教育"主阵地、主课堂、主渠道"的课程教学,必须加强,不能削弱。然而,当前大学生法制教育课程教学整体效果不佳,大学生法律知识主观需求与法制教育客观制约的矛盾仍然很突出。为此,必须按照中共中央和国务院2015年对高校宣传思想工作的最新要求,"编好教材,建好队伍,抓好教学",从教材修订、课时安排、人数编排等方面,深化大学生法制教育课程教学改革,切实加强法律基础课程教学,全面提升大学生的法制素质,以适应"全面推进依法治国"的总要求。 The Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to promote the construction of the rule under the law in China, and the Fourth Plenary Meeting also pointed out the comprehensively promoting the rule of law. Under the context of the law, the construction of Chinese rule by law is moving to the depth. In the context of such a comprehensive law, as the main position, the main classroom, and the main method of college students' legal education, the course teaching should be strengthened, and not be weakened. However, the current overall effect of the curriculum teaching for the college students' legal education is not effective, because the contradiction between the college students' subjective demand for legal education and the objective control of legal education is still outstanding. Therefore, in order to improve the legal quality of college students, to meet the general requirements of comprehensively promoting the rule of law, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council this year for the ideological work for the students of the colleges and universities compiling a good textbook, building a good team and doing a good job of teaching. We should deepen the reform of legal education curriculum teaching of college students, and strengthen the teaching of the basic law course from theses aspects such as the revision of teaching materials, the arrangement of class hour, the arrangement of the student numbers and so on.
作者 叶亚杰
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2016年第2期27-33,共7页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 河南省政府决策研究招标项目:河南省农村宅基地制度改革与流转机制创新研究(2014181) 中国残联2014-2015年度残疾人事业理论与实践研究项目:心理健康视角下残疾人个人信息法律保护研究--以驻马店市为例(2014&ZZ0004) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目:法制教育与公民信息法律保护研究(2014GGJS-139) 河南省教育厅人文社会科学(高校思想政治工作)专项任务研究项目:思想政治教育的人文关怀和心理疏导研究(2015-sz-022) 河南省教育厅人文社会科学(高校思想政治工作)专项任务研究项目:高校辅导员职业能力提升路径与方法研究(2015-sz-101)
关键词 依法治国 法治中国 法制教育 课程教学 governing the country by law rule under the law in china legal education course teaching
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