The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of parenting style,time management and trait procrastination of junior high school students’ by performing questionnaire survey among 738 students in Guangxi junior high schools. The result showed that trust-encouragement and affection-warmed parenting style had a significant positive correlation with time management disposition while authoritarian,indulgent and neglectful parenting style had a significant negative correlation with time management disposition. Besides,trust-encouragement and affection-wormed parenting style had a significant negative correlation with trait procrastination while authoritarian,indulgent and neglectful parenting style had a significant positive correlation with trait procrastination; time management disposition was negatively related to trait procrastination. The effects of trust-encouragement and neglectful parenting style on trait procrastination were mediated through the time management disposition,which was not completely mediated through the influence mechanism; while the effects of affection-wormed parenting style on trait procrastination were entirely mediated through the time management disposition. On contrary,no mediation was found at the influence mechanism of authoritarian,indulgent parenting style on trait procrastination.
Journal of Qinzhou University
trait procrastination
time management disposition
parenting style