报告2例闭塞性动脉硬化症。例1.女,84岁。左下肢红肿伴疼痛2周余。双下肢CT血管成像示双下肢动脉粥样硬化,双侧股动脉部分闭塞,侧支形成;左侧足背及足底动脉断续显影;左下肢软组织肿胀。诊断:闭塞性动脉硬化症。例2.女,64岁。口干、多饮、多尿1年,双足溃疡3 d。双下肢CT血管成像示双下肢动脉粥样硬化;双侧胫前动脉多发斑块形成,以右侧为著,局部中、重度狭窄及闭塞可能;右侧胫后动脉远端管腔轻、中度狭窄;双侧足背动脉纤细,局部闭塞可能,以右侧为著;双侧足底动脉分支少。诊断:闭塞性动脉硬化症。
Two cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans are reported. Case 1. A 84-year-old female presented with red swelling and pain on the left lower extremity for 2 weeks. CT angiography of lower extremities showed atherosclerosis, partial blockage of bilateral femoral arteries with formation of side branches, intermittent imaging of the left dorsalis pedis and plantar arteries, and swollen soft tissue on the left leg. The diagnosis of arteriosclerosis obliterans was made. Case 2. A 64-year-old female presented with dry mouth, polydipsia and polyuria for one year, and ulcers on the feet for three days. CT angiography of lower extremities showed changes of atherosclerosis prominently on the right side, including multiple plaques in both anterior tibial arteries which became narrow or blocked, mild to moderate narrow in the right posterior tibia| arteries, thinner arteries in bilateral dorsalis pedis with localized blockage, and fewer arterial branches on both plantae pedis. The diagnosis of arte- riosclerosis obliterans was made.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology
arteriosclerosis obliterans