

Effects of Activity Profiles in Tactical Training on Energy Intakes in Chinese Women's Water Polo Team
摘要 目的:观察备战2014亚运会期间,国家女子水球队身体成分、专项身体素质和战术训练动作强度分布特征与能量摄入的关系。方法:除守门员外,备战2014亚运会中国国家女子水球队24名队员,(22±4)岁,(23.0±2.3)kg/m2,按水球战术训练角色分为中锋(n=6)、防中锋(n=10)和外线(n=8)3组,进行连续6天的膳食调查,同时采集该周全部战术训练动作强度分布数据,专项游泳成绩和身体成分于膳食调查前一周测量。结果:(1)外线运动员身高、体重和去脂体重显著低于中锋和防中锋,体脂%无组间差异;(2)防中锋运动员10×200 m泳速显著慢于外线,中锋运动员10×50 m泳速显著快于防中锋;(3)战术训练中,外线运动员低强度动作持续时间和训练时间比重显著高于中锋和防中锋,中、高强度对抗时间显著低于中锋和防中锋;(4)外线运动员的日能量摄入总量显著高于中锋;(5)受试队员体重、体脂重量、去脂重量、BMI和体脂%与日能量摄入总量呈显著负相关,宏量营养素摄入量与日能量摄入总量呈显著正相关,专项游泳成绩、低强度战术动作训练持续时间和训练时间比重与能量摄入总量呈显著正相关。结论:战术训练不同强度动作分布特征而非身体成分和专项身体素质,是决定重大比赛备战期间国家女子水球队不同位置运动员能量摄入的重要因素。 Objective:To investigate relationships between daily energy intake and anthropometric,specific physical fitness and tactical training activityprofiles in Chinese Women Water Polo Team(CWWPT)during 2014 Asian Games preparation. Methods:All 24 athletes except goalkeepers(22±3 yr,23.0±2.3 kg/m^2)from CWWPT who prepared for 2014 Asian Games were divided into Centre(n=6),Defender(n=10),and Perimeter groups according totheir role in tactical training. The subjects completed 6-training-day dietary records. Activity profiles in tactical training were analyzed at the same week.Body composition and specific physical fitness profile were obtained one week before the dietary survey. Results:1)The height,total body and fat-freeweight of the Perimeter were significantly lower than that of the centre and defender players. No significant differences among different groups were revealedrelated to body fat%. 2)The swimming times of 10×200 m of the Perimeter and the times of 10×50 m of the Centre were significantly higher than that of theDefender. No significant differences among different groups were revealed related to 10×25 m swimming time. 3)The duration and training-time proportion oflow intensity activities in tactical training were significantly higher,but the duration of moderate and high intensity activities were significantly lower thanthat of the Centre and Defender. 4)The total daily energy intake of the Perimeter were significantly higher than that of the Centre. 5)The total fat-free and fatweight were all significantly negatively correlated with total daily energy intake. The specific fitness of swimming times,the duration and training-time pro-portion of low intensity activities in tactical training were significantly positively correlated with total daily energy intake. Conclusions:Activity profiles intactical training but not body composition and special physical fitness are a major contributing factor in daily energy intake in preparation important games.
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期420-424,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 国家体育总局奥运攻关项目(项目编号:2013A093) 国家体育总局奥运攻关项目(项目编号:2015H7070)
关键词 膳食摄入 能量代谢 运动营养 优秀运动员 dietary intake energy metabolism sports nutrition elite athlete
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