
竞技运动中的“迷信”行为 被引量:2

Superstitious Behavior in Competitive Sports
摘要 "迷信"行为在竞技运动中很普遍,但其概念尚无定论,或许它属于一种比赛仪式行为,区别于程序行为和宗教行为,可从行为主义观、归因观、动机观来解释"迷信"行为。重点介绍已有研究对"迷信"行为前因后果的探索,影响"迷信"行为的因素有内部因素(性别、超自然信仰、归因风格、运动认同、文化背景、控制点和心理压力)、外部因素(比赛重要性、比赛不确定性)和内外部因素的交互作用(技能水平与任务难度的交互作用)。而"迷信"行为的作用有积极的方面(提高任务表现,提高自我效能感、坚持性、目标设定,缓解心理压力,增加控制感)也有消极的方面(心理障碍、负性预示、归因偏差),这可能要取决于运动员如何看待和运用这类行为,或许"迷信"行为还可以再细分为积极"迷信"行为和消极"迷信"行为。目前,已有研究多关注其内部影响因素和积极作用,较少关注其外部影响因素和消极作用,而且还存在研究方法单一而简单、缺乏测量工具、第3变量研究不足等问题。总之,运动员"迷信"行为研究还处于初级阶段,未来研究应考虑研究方法、测量工具、消极影响、外部因素和第3变量等问题。 Superstitious behavior(SB)is prevalent in competitive sport. But there is no consensus of the identification. SB in sport belongs to the competi-tive ritual,which is different from performance routine and religious ritual. The explanation of the SB in sport can be summarized in three views(behavior-ism,attribution,and motivation). Present study aimed to induce the factors influence SB and the effect of SB according to previous studies. The factors in-fluence SB can be summarized as internal factors(gander,paranormal belief,attribution style,athletic identity,cultural background,locus of control,andpsychological tension),external factors(importance of game,uncertainty of game)and the interaction of internal external factors(the interaction of skilllevel task difficulty). The effect of SB can be summarized as positive effect(improving performance,self-efficacy,persistence,and goal setting,reducingpsychological tension,increasing the sense of control)and negative effect(mental disorder,negative prediction,and attribution bias),it perhaps depends onhow athletes regard and utilize these behaviors. SB can be divided into positive SB and negative SB. Previous studies focus on the internal factors and thepositive effects of SB in sport,but the negative effect and external factor are almost ignored. Besides,there are other problems need to be solved such assimple research methods,lack of instruments,and lack of researches on third variables. All in all,current research is still in its infancy,the future researchmay consider about these questions:research methods,measurement tools,negative effects,external factors,and the third variables.
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期454-460,共7页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
关键词 “迷信”行为 心理安慰剂 控制感 竞技运动 运动员 superstitious behavior psychological placebo sense of control competitive sports athlete
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