
规模化猪场新建厌氧发酵系统对废水粪大肠菌群及悬浮物的处理效应 被引量:1

Effects of newly anaerobic fermentation system on reducing fecal coliforms and total suspended solids content in sewage of large-scaled pig farms
摘要 选择广东省10个规模化猪场,对厌氧发酵系统进水和出水粪大肠菌群数量和悬浮物浓度进行动态监测.结果显示,进入厌氧发酵系统的猪舍污水粪大肠菌群数量和悬浮物浓度分别为102 802×104~ 490 589×104个/L和1 181~4680mg/L,沼气池出水粪大肠菌群数量和悬浮物浓度分别为2 589×104~ 49 555×104个/L和13~8 057 mg/L.新建厌氧发酵系统对两种污染物具有较好的减排效果,减排率分别为77.74%~ 99.24%和18.74% ~ 90.36%.沼气池污水经猪场鱼塘和氧化塘净化后,多数猪场排水两种污染物含量均大幅降低,但所有猪场排水粪大肠菌群含量仍超出《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》的规定限值,对周边环境具有一定的污染风险. In order to evaluate the operation of anaerobic fermentation system, ten large-scaled pig farms were selected in Guangdong province to monitor the fecal coliforms ( FCB ) and total suspended solids ( TSS ) content in sewage discharged from the hoggery and methane tank. The results showed that the values of 102 802 ×104-490 589 × 104 individuals/L and 1 181-4 680 mg/L were recorded for FCB and TSS, respectively. The anaerobic fermentation system displayed an effective performance in reducing the two pollutants of hoggery sewage, and the reduction rates were 77.74%-99.24% and 18.74%-90.36%, respectively. FCB content and TSS content in methane tank were 2 589 × 104-49 555× 104 individuals/L and 13-8 057 mg/L, which were further treated by fish ponds and oxidation pond. FCB content in the sewage discharged from the pig farm all exceeded the value of the discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding. The results indicate that the FCB and TSS in sewage discharged from pig farm possess the pollution potential to surrounding environment.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2015年第23期17-21,共5页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 全球环境基金东亚家畜废物管理项目(TF056519-CHA) 广东省低碳发展专项资金(2011-046) 广东省科技计划项目(2011B020309003)
关键词 规模化猪场 粪大肠菌群 悬浮物 厌氧发酵 large-scaled pig farm fecal coliforms total suspended solids anaerobic fermentation
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